[697] Джордж Бернс (1896–1996), американский комик и актер. [698] Георг Солти (1912–1997), венгерский дирижер. [699] Бабушка Мозес (1860–1961), американская художница, работавшая в стиле примитивизма. [700] В. F. Skinner and M. E. Vaughn, Enjoy Old Age: A Program of Self–Management (New York: Norton, 1983); and E. H. Erikson, J. M. Erikson, and H. Q. Kivnick, Vital Involvement in Old Age: The Experience of Old Age in Our Time (New York: Norton, 1986). Швейцарский душепопечитель Пол Турнье был сравнительно молод, когда выпустил книгу о старении: Paul Tournier, Learn to Grow Old (New York: Harper & Row, 1982). [701] Jeff Meer, "The Reason of Age", Psychology Today 20 (June 1986): 60–64. [702] Роберт Браунинг (1812–1889), английский поэт. [703] Jack C. Horn and Jeff Meer, "The Vintage Years", Psychology Today 21 (May 1987): 76–84, 89, 90. [704] См. напр.: Carl Eisdorfer, "Conceptual Models of Aging: The Challenge of a New Frontier", American Psychologist 38 (February 1983): 197–202. [705] Некоторые из этих различий обсуждаются: В. F. Skinner, "Intellectual Self–Management in Old Age", American Psychologist 38 (March 1983): 239–244; Richard S. Lazarus and Anita DeLongis, "Psychological Stress and Coping in Old Age", American Psychologist 38 (March 1983): 245–254; and Susan Folkman et al., "Age Differences in Stress and Coping Processes", Psychology and Aging! (June 1987): 171–184. [706] Иов. 12:12. [707] Пс. 70:18. [708] См.: С. Gilhuis, Conversations on Growing Older (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans, 1977), 19–21. [709] Еккл. 12:13. [710] Лев. 19:32; Прит. 16:31; 20:29. [711] Тит. 2:2,3. [712] Еф. 6:3. [713] Tim Stafford, "The Graying of the Church", Christianity Today '31 (6 November 1987): 17–22; см. также: Robert M. Gray and David O. Moberg, The Church and the Older Person, rev. ed. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans, 1977). [714] Pat Moore with Charles Paul Conn, Disguised! (Waco, Tex.: Word, 1985), 62. [715] David B. Larson, Alan D. Whanger, and Ewald W. Busse, "Geriatrics", in The Therapist's Handbook: Treatment Methods of Mental Disorders, ed. Benjamin B. Wolman, 2d ed. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983): 343–388. [716] Дополнительные сведения по данному вопросу см.: Molly S. Wantz and John E. Gay, The Aging Process: A Health Perspective (Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop, 1981); Siegfried Kra, Aging Myths: Reversible Causes of Mind and Memory Loss (New York: McGraw–Hill, 1986). — 764 —