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[649] Ruby MacDonald, Ruby MacDonald's Forty Plus and Feeling Fabulous Book (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982).

[650] Robert Taylor, Welcome to the Middle Years (Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, 1976), 2.

[651] Jim Conway, Men in Mid–Life Crisis (Elgin, III.: David C. Cook, 1978); Jim Conway and Sally Conway, Women in Mid–Life Crisis (Wheaton, III.: Tyndale, 1983); Nancy Mayer, The Male Mid–Life Crisis: Fresh Starts after Forty (New York: Signet, 1978); and Eda LeShan, The Wonderful Crisis of Middle Age (New York: McKay, 1973).

[652] Robert N. Butler, "Psychiatry and Psychology of the Middle–aged", in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/IV, ed. Harold I. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock, 4th ed. (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1985), 1943–1952.

[653] David F. Hultsch and Francine Deutsch, Adult Development and Aging: A Life–Span Perspective (New York: McGraw–Hill, 1981).

[654] Tom Mullen, Parables for Parents and Other Original Sinners (Waco, Tex.: Word, 1975), 128–130.

[655] C. G. Jung, Psychological Reflections, ed. Jolande Jacobi (New York: Harper Torch–books, 1961), 125.

[656] Christopher Matthew, How to Survive Middle Age (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1983).

[657] Ray Ortlund and Anne Ortlund, The Best Half of Life (Ventura, Calif.: Regal, 1976).

[658] Jung, Psychological Reflections, 121, 123.

[659] Daniel J. Levinson et al., The Seasons of a Man's Life (New York: Knopf, 1978), ix–x.

[660] В одном исследовании, посвященном протестантскому духовенству, говорится, например, о том, что возрастная периодизация Левинсона не применима в отношении пасторов; см.: Les Steele, "Adult Development Periods and Protestant Male Clergy: A Descriptive Framework", Journal of Psychology and Theology 16 (Spring 1988): 15–20.

[661] Nancy K. Schlossberg, "Taking the Mystery out of Change", Psychology Today 21 (May 1987): 74, 75.

[662] Daniel J. Levinson, "A Conception of Adult Development", American Psychologist 41 (January 1986): 3–13.

[663] Charlotte R. Melcher, "Career Counseling Tailored to the Evangelical Christian Woman in Midlife", Journal of Psychology and Theology 15 (Summer 1987): 133–143.

[664] Butler, "Psychiatry and Psychology", 1945.

[665] Lillian E. Troll, Early and Middle Adulthood: The Best Is Yet to Be — Maybe (Monterey, Calif: Brooks/Cole, 1975).

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