[757] "Planning for Retirement? It's Never Too Soon", U.S. News & World Report, 24 January 1983,51,54. [758] Например, можно указать на самоучитель: Art Linkletter, Old Age Is Not for Sissies: Choices for Senior Americans (New York: Viking, 1988). [759] О помощи такого рода см.: Arthur Н. Becker, Ministry with Older Persons: A Guide for Clergy and Congregations (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1986); John Gillies, A Guide to Compassionate Care of the Aging (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1985). [760] Gray and Moberg, The Church and the Older Person, chap. 8. [761] Liz Carpenter, "The Silver Lining", Milwaukee Journal Magazine, 15 December 1985. 18–21,46, 47. [762] Joseph Н. Bunzel, "Note on the History of a Concept — Gerontophobia", Gerontol–ogist 12 (Summer 1972): 116, 203. [763] The Dialogues of Plato, vol. 2, The Republic, trans. Benjamin Jowett (New York: National Library, n.d.). [764] Быт. 6:11,13. [765] Лк. 22:24. [766] Деян. 5; 6:1; 15:2,7. [767] Деян. 15:36–40. [768] 2 Кор. 12:20,21. [769] Прит. 10:18,19; 12:22; 13:3; 15:1,28,31; 16:24,28; 17:9; 19:22; 24:26;26:20; 28:23,25. [770] Мф. 5–7 можно рассмотреть в ином ракурсе, если читать эти три главы в свете толкования межличностных проблем. [771] Мф. 18:15–35; 20:20–28; 22:36–40; Лк. 12:13–15; 22:24–26. [772] Мк. 9:50; 2 Тим. 2:14,24; Флп. 4:2; 1 Фес. 5:13; 1 Кор. 13:4–8; Еф. 4:31,32. [773] Иак. 4:1,2. [774] Рим. 12:17,18. [775] Мф. 5:9; Прит. 12:20; Евр. 12:14. [776] Лк. 2:14; Ис. 9:6. [777] Мф. 10:34. [778] Еф. 2:14–17. [779] Ин. 14:27; Флп. 4:7. [780] 1 Кор. 2:14–3:3. [781] В Библии такого человека называют «душевный» (1 Кор. 2:14). [782] Гал. 5:19–21. [783] Гал. 5:22,23. [784] Отк. 12:9; Ин. 8:44; 2 Кор. 11:13–15; Иов. 1:7; Мф. 4:3; 1 Фес. 3:5; 1 Пет. 5:8. [785] Еф. 6:10–12; Иак. 4:7; 1 Пет. 5:8. [786] D. Е. Hiebert, "Satan", in The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, ed. Merrill C. Tenney (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1975), 5:283. [787] Joyce Huggett, Creative Conflict: How to Confront and Stay Friends (Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity, 1984), 14. [788] 1 Ин. 4:4; Мф. 25:41; Отк. 20:7–10. [789] Лк. 12:13–15. — 769 —