Пособие по христианскому душепопечению

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[749] Marilyn Nissenson, "Therapy after Sixty", Psychology Today 18 (January 1984); 22–26.

[750] См. главы 22 и 23.

[751] Jean E. Thompson, "Life Care Ministry: The Church as Part of the Elderly Support Network", Journal of Religion and Aging 2 (Spring 1986): 65–76; Carolyn Cutrona, Dan Russell, and Jayne Rose, "Social Support and Adaptation to Stress by the Elderly", Psychology and Aging 1 (March 1986); 47–54; см. также: Arthur H. Becker, Ministry with Older Persons: A Guide for Clergy and Congregations (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1986).

[752] Susan Malde, "Guided Autobiography: A Counseling Tool for Older Adults", Journal of Counseling and Development 66 (February 1988): 290–293: Kaminsky, The Uses of Reminiscence; Robert L. Richter, "Attaining Ego Integrity through Life Review", Journal of Religion and Aging! (Spring 1986); 1–11.

[753] James E. Biren, "The Best of All Stories", Psychology Today 1 (May 1987): 91, 92.

[754] Эти вопросы находят более глубокое обсуждение: Bob Knight, Psychotherapy with Older Adults (Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage, 1986).

[755] Более подробные сведения по вопросу оказания помощи семьям пожилых см.: chapter 11, "Working with Families", in Lowry, Social Work with the Aging. Имеют меньшее практическое значение, но также интересны работы: Lee Нуег and Steven L. Hawthorne, "The Family of Later Life: Strategies and Interventions", International Journal of Family Therapy 4 (Winter 1982): 187–206; Jane E. Myers, "The Mid/Life Generation Gap: Adult Children with Aging Parents", Journal of Counseling and Development 66 (March 1988): 331–335; S. Allen Wilcoxon, "Grandparents and Grandchildren: An Often Neglected Relationship between Significant Others", Journal of Counseling and Development 65 (February 1987). Family members might find guidance in Patricia H. Rushford, The Help, Hope and Cope Book for People with Aging Parents (Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1985); or Lissy Jarvik and Gary Small, Parentcare: A Commonsense Guide for Adult Children (New York: Crown, 1988).

[756] Большое число книг посвящено групповому душепопечению лиц зрелого возраста. Среди них можно указать на книги: Irene Burnside, Working with the Elderly: Group Process and Techniques, 2d ed. (Monterey, Calif: Wadsworth, 1984); Elizabeth B. Yost et al., Group Cognitive Therapy: A Treatment Method for Depressed Older Adults (New York: Pergamon Press, 1986); see also, the chapters on group counseling in Lowry, Social Work with the Aging; and Sherman, Counseling the Aging. Перу христианского психолога принадлежит полезный справочник для лиц, занятых в домах–интернатах для престарелых; см.: Paul R. Welter, The Nursing Home: A Caring Community (Valley Forge, Penn.: Judson, 1981).

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