[638] Полезные материалы по работе с проблемами молодых людей в возрасте ранней зрелости, не имеющими прямого отношения к возрастным особенностям, можно найти в соответствующих главах этой книги. [639] Некоторые авторы подчеркивают роль межличностных отношений в процессе душепопечения, включая: Bernard G. Guerney, Jr., Relationship Enhancement (San Francisco: Jossey–Bass, 1977); Helen Harris Perlman, Relationship: The Heart of Helping People (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979). [640] M. Johnson, "Mentors — The Key to Development and Growth", Training and Development Journal 34 (1980): 55–57; Martin Gerstein, "Mentoring: An Age Old Practice in a Knowledge–Based Society", Journal of Counseling and Development 64 (October 1985): 156, 157. [641] См. напр.: John S. Westefeld and Susan R. Furr, "Suicide and Depression among College Students", Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 18 (April 1987). [642] William R. Miller and Kathleen A. Jackson, Practical Psychology for Pastors (Engle–wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall, 1985), 144–167; см. также: Allen Tough, Intentional Changes: A Fresh Approach to Helping People Change (Chicago: Follett, 1982). [643] Термин «синдром завязывания» был предложен в статье: Martin G. Grober, "The Terrible Stuck Syndrome", Bottom Line Personalis (30 October 1985): 9, 10. [644] Levinson et al., Seasons of a Man's Life, 337 (скобки мои. — Г. К.). [645] Развитие этой темы см.: Frederick G. Lopez, "Family Structure and Depression: Implications forthe Counseling of Depressed College Students", Journal of Counseling and Development 64 (April 1986): 508–511. [646] На этот менее традиционный подход в служении людям указывает: Eugena Hanfmann, Effective Therapy for College Students: Alternatives to Traditional Counseling (San Francisco: Jossey–Bass, 1978). [647] C. Farren, J. D. Gray, and B. Kaye, "Mentoring: A Boon to Career Development", Personnel 61 (1984): 20–24; см. также: M. Zey, The Mentor Connection (Homewood, 111.: Dow Jones–Irwin, 1984); N. Collins, Professional Women and Their Mentors (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall, 1983; and Felice A. Kaufmann et al., "The Nature, Role, and Influence of Mentors in the Lives of Gifted Adults", Journal of Counseling and Development 64 (May 1986): 576–578. [648] John "Mercury" Morgan, "The Kid Who Did", Guideposts 42 (September 1987): 2–6. — 760 —