[666] B. L. Neugarten, ed., Middle Life and Aging: A Reader in Social Psychology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968). [667] N. R. Haimowitz, "Middle Age", in Concise Encyclopedia of Psychology, ed. Raymond J. Corsini (New York: Wiley, 1987): 717. [668] Martin G. Groder, "Boredom: The Good and the Bad", Bottom Line Personal! (15 March 1986): 9, 10. [669] Haimowitz, "Middle Age", 718. [670] Conway, Men in Mid–Life, 105. [671] Samuel D. Osherson, Holding On or Letting Go: Men and Career Change at Midlife (New York: Free Press, 1980). [672] Fern Schumer Chapman, "Executive Guilt: Who's Taking Care of the Children", Fortune 115 (16 February 1987): 30–37. [673] Более подробно проблемы перемены профессии в среднем возрасте обсуждаются в книге: Peter Filene, Men in the Middle (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall, 1981). [674] Carola H. Mann, "Mid–Life and the Family: Strains, Challenges and Options of the Middle Years", in Mid–Life: Developmental and Clinical Issues, ed. William H. Norman and Thomas J. Scaramella (New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1980), 128–148. [675] Gary R. Collins, "Caught between Parents and Children", Christian Herald 110 (February 1987): 51–53; см. также: J. E. Dobson and R. L. Dobson, "The Sandwich Generation: Dealing with Aging Parents", Journal of Counseling and Development 63 (1985): 572–574; Jane E. Myers, "The Mid/Late Life Generation Gap: Adult Children with Aging Parents", Journal of Counseling and Development 66 (March 1988); 331–335; Barbara Silverstone and Helen Kandel Hyman, You and Your Aging Parent (New York: Pantheon, 1983); Patricia H. Rushford, The Help, Hope and Cope Book for People with Aging Parents (Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1985); and Lissy Jarvik and Gary Small, Parentcare: A Commonsense Guide for Adult Children (New York: Crown, 1988). [676] Ellen Galinsky, Between Generations: The Six Stages of Parenthood (New York: Times Books, 1981); H. Norman Wright, Seasons of a Marriage (Ventura, Calif: Regal Books, 1982). [677] Paul A. Mickey, Marriage in the Middle Years (Valley Forge, Penn.: Judson, 1986). [678] Более подробно проблемы любовных отношений в среднем возрасте обсуждаются в книгах: Conway, Men in Mid–Life; Wright, Seasons; Peter Kreitler with Bill Burns, Affair Prevention (New York: Macmillan, 1981); J. Allan Petersen, The Myth of the Greener Grow (Wheaton, III.: Tyndale, 1983). — 762 —