Man as subject and object of the guided evolution. Expression «evolution, guided a man» is entered in a scientific vocabulary by N.Vavilov. Charles Darwin removed Creator from explanation of evolution, demonstrate that a natural process can conduce to the same results, what creative activity. The Vavilov idea of goes in retrogrades – from natural to artificial: A man assumes the duties of God, undertakes responsibility for the fate of Universe. Among the authors of idea of the guided evolution is needed to mention next Julian 339. Huxley, John Haldane and yet a number of scientists and philosophers, offerings similar ideas. Now we dispose powerful, well developed and relatively accessible set of “tools” of constructing of organisms with the beforehand planned set of inherited, including unknown before signs. Question about the future of biological type of Homo sapiens (a man is reasonable) passes from the sphere of the philosophical reasoning’s and science fiction in the sphere of practical ethics and policy. To informational technologies it is necessary to take any methods of reconstruction of objects realities, based on a change the information contained in them. The technology does our genetic constitution and maintenance of our consciousness by article of rationalistic control and management. Technologies of change of genetic code (genetic engineering) and of manipulation by individual (changes of mental code) and mass (changes of socio-cultural code) consciousness simultaneously are technologies of the guided evolution. Their second name – HI-HUME of technology(by analogy with HI-TECH technologies). The object of HI-TECH technologies is the outer world, Macrocosm, by the article of HI-HUME technologies – human, in the end subject, Microcosm. From other side, maintenance of term technologies of the guided evolution appears wider, than HI-HUME of technology, as they plug in itself the evolution of the systems, existence not necessarily implies the presence of human as a carrier of adaptive information. — 230 —