High Hume (Биовласть и биополитика в обществе риска)

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Гражданское общество: политический режим в контексте биовласти

Биполитические и биоэтические дилеммы репродуктивных технологий.

Проблема генетической дискриминации

Человек как субъект и объект управляемой эволюции

Информационное общество и технологии управляемой эволюции

Генно-культурная и технокультурная коэволюция в зоне эволюционной сингулярности

Гражданское общество. На пороге «постчеловеческого будущего» (США, 1998-2007)

Заключение. Социополитические проблемы в системе современного естественнонаучного и социогуманитарного знания



Introduction. Genesis and evolution of bio-power3

Socio-cultural and mental sources of bio-political collisions19

Status of bio-power in «society of risk»21

Technology of bio-power23

Institutialization of bio-power32

Bio-ethics as methodology of realization of bio-power29

Epistemological and valued aspects of bio-power32

Bio-political conflicts of 20th centuries. Historical review39

Eugenics. The USA and Western Europe (1900-1945)39

Racial hygiene. Germany (1933-1945 )50

Michurin`s genetics. The USSR (1929-1964)53

Genetic consequences of nuclear tests. The USA and USSR (1945-1963)55

Genetic manipulations as source of bio-political risk. The USA, Western Europe (1975-2002)56

A bio-policy is in the system of globalization65

Regional bio-political problems of post-Soviet of geopolitical space71

Political potential of theoretical biology78

Theory of gene-cultural coevolution: bio-political aspect91

Politized science94

Integration of biology in the spiritual culture of modern civilization120

Socio-political problems of bio-power 141

Civil society: the political regime is in the context of bio-power141

Bio-political and bio-ethics dilemmas of gene technologies.154

Problem of genetic discrimination164

Man as subject and object of the guided evolution174

Informative society and technologies of the guided evolution180

Controlled evolution as factor of transformation of mentality of modern civilization196

Gene-cultural and techno-cultural coevolution in the space of evolutional singularity198

Civil society. On the threshold of the «post-human future» (The USA, 1998-2007)214

Conclusion. Bio-political problems in the system of modern science and humanitarian knowledge 234


Учебное пособие

В.Ф. Cheshko, Glazko v.I.



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