High Hume (Биовласть и биополитика в обществе риска)

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In the transitional type of society (post-Soviet geopolitical space, in particular) the value of factors of stabilization-destabilizations of social inheritance repeatedly increases by virtue of the followings circumstances:

  1. considerable sizes of shadow sector of economy, presenting a defilade for the not legitimate use of HI-HUME technologies;
  2. state of future-shock and future-phobias, tested considerable part of society, that preformatted the irrational negative perception of these technologies;
  3. low level of being informed and, simultaneously, trust of population to the political and intellectual elite, that strengthens potential of various techniques of political and ideological manipulation as a result;
  4. massed export of technologies, eliminating spontaneous cultural adaptation of society to the side consequences of their integration in life of society;
  5. illusion of second-rateness of social problems of HI-HUME of technologies in the conditions of socio-political and economic instability, caused other reasons, becoming to one of base features of consciousness of political elite;
  6. insufficiency of economic and intellectual resources for independent organizationally political and legal working, and also technical and methodological gettings up in these area problems, by virtue of what the import of technologies is aggravated the import of ideology of their introduction and control.

All of it in a sum creates pre-conditions of situation, when the rationalistic working of bio-policy of the modern post-Soviet states becomes necessary, both from point of their own prospects and in globally-civilization aspects.

Conclusion. Bio-political problems in the system of modern science and humanitarian knowledge. Value of biology, in general, and genetics, in particular, for development of political science and sociology not closed by explaining charts and empiric facts, exposing a genetic succession between the mechanisms of biological and social evolution. Their influence on humanitarian knowledge, will mediate the mentality system – through introduction in creation of theoretical and methodological constructions, way of thinking of ordinary «inhabitant», expert and practical politician of appearances-metaphors, office workers by the cored, bearings elements of logical constructions of fundamental political theories and ordinary consciousness.

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