High Hume (Биовласть и биополитика в обществе риска)

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. The dominant criterion of their «survival» is become by expedience social. And it, in same queue, allows to spread empathy from the representatives of the task force at first to the ethnos, country, all of humanity, to exceed a supply own biological kind. In the end irrational allotting of creatures, belongings to other biological kind, inherent a man appears emotions in the pragmatic value of this word very rational. Instrumental in the maintenance of integrity of biosphere, as an ecological and cultural environment of dwelling of Homo sapiens, it simultaneously stabilizes bio-social nature and succession of socio-cultural evolution of human. The evolutional value of empathy, addressed to «all of living» comes to light in such interpretation, as a mechanism of gene-cultural coadaptation and techno-cultural balance.

Selfless devotion of doctor Gaaza, Alberta Schweizer, Mother-Teresa, as well as military heroism (but also existence of warriors-kamikaze, terrorists-condemned to death, social institute of monkhood et cetera etc.) it is impossible to interpret in terms of biological evolution. However, the survival of humanity is possible only due to the acts of altruism in blessing to social community. Both these contradictions appear explainable, if two postulates will appear just:

  • At first, carries not causal, but evolutional-historical character equivalent biological and social behavior modes.
  • Secondly, certain invariant attributes have laws of biological and socio-cultural evolution. Genes, providing adjusted of organisms, and ideas, clamping human society, arise up, spread, change and die to on in something to the similar mechanisms.

Thus, as far as complication of public structure socio-cultural factors become more complicated. One time arising up, the further evolution of socio-political organization appears in principle a multivalent. The «crown» of going away vectors of further socio-cultural evolution of arising up during an anthropogenesis sociums is determined primordial complication and ambiguousness of co-operation of its separate ? biological and socio-cultural ? elements.

General conclusion from the analysis of the arguments resulted higher, in our view, it is possible to take to the followings to three to the postulates:

  • political democracy and civil society keep indoors for scopes the genetically programmed adaptive norm, incident to the type of Homo sapiens,
  • political democracy and civil society cannot be examined as a result of certain compulsion in relation to bio-social nature of human, and
  • political democracy and civil society is not the article of bio-power (at least, in the existing now forms).

Difference of democracy, authoritarian rule and other types of the political systems consists in the mechanisms of formation of contours of direct and reverse connections, providing bringing a social structure over and distributing of social roles in accordance with an adaptive norm.

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