High Hume (Áèîâëàñòü è áèîïîëèòèêà â îáùåñòâå ðèñêà)

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A problem of genesis of altruistic behavior is one of the most hardness settled problems of modern theory of biological evolution. Modern conception of evolutional-genetic bases of altruistic behavior is taken to the models: «Family selection» and «Mutual altruism».

However a socio-cultured evolution substantially modified and complicated such systems. Along with genetic determinants of altruistic behavior «culture-genes» appeared with similar, and even by considerably more powerful external displays. As signs of belonging to the same community linguistic, religious, ethnic or racial, property and other social and political attributes began to be examined. Possibly, not by chance, that those societies which status of mutual help and collectivism is high (East-Slave, Semitic, Japanese, Chinese) have a clear expressed sense to development of different forms of xeno-phobias. In the period of social and political crises such displays of dehumanization of inwardly and between groups relations are sharply intensified and deepen (an anti-Semitism is in Hitler Germany, hatred to the «bourgeois» in revolution Russia and the former USSR, propagandist appearances of cruel and inhuman enemy during soldiery collisions et cetera). In American mentality an absolute dominant is predominance of individual freedom above interests of social community. But also here setting on contrasting of «own–stranger» is saved, as the structured of humanity on separate social of community is saved too.

Thus both aggressive and altruistic behavior in human experience is beyond biological expedience, and becomes inadaptive from point of survival of transmitters of certain genes and genotypes. The extreme expression this tendency arrives at during military operations. In the process of socio-cultural and technological evolution there are mechanisms of suppression of those behavior modes which brake their flow. In examined case (military conflict) by them is dehumanization of appearance of enemy and distant character of modern weapon.

By a side by side shows up opposite, characteristic only for human tendency to expansion of scopes of mental dominant «own» and the maintenance of reflecting philosophical categories and logic criteria of belonging to «owns». To the 1950th philosophical interpretation of this concept became identical “all of transmitters of mind” (humanity). And then with the origin of ecological ethics a new maximum transition was set – «all of living». However and this tendency, as turns out, lies within the limits of genetic norm of reaction. As information of modern etology, human and higher primates, testify setting is inherent to suppose those individuals, with which they are included in a contact, reasonable (expedient) behavior. «Sympathy» allows to forecast the behavior of partner, coming from comparison of his emotional reactions (actual or imaginary) with own emotions.

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