Accordingly to van Potter, three basic parameters, allow, simply to describe the state of the system of «Science-Society»:
At imposition of these interdependent functions the graph of changes social jurisdiction and social control has a sinewave form, where the periods of getting («golden age») up alternate with the periods of slump (social crisis). In a triad a «science–mentality–socio-political situation» the second ones appears the most conservative element. Therefore, as a rule, conflict of science and policy is determinate and divergences between actual maintenance of scientific conception and pictures of it or about the consequences of its application in mass consciousness. This break, increasing, approaches a dangerous threshold in the period of scientific revolution, especially, on condition of parallel existent social instability. In history of genetics such periods were becoming of Mendel genetics (1900-1945) and birth of gene-engineering technologies of genetic analysis and testing. The acceleration of rates of advance of science extends the sphere of the phenomena and processes, accessible to scientific cognition and afterwards engaged in the sphere of the technological use sharply. And only after some time limitations of application of new methods and comprehension of their technological results become obvious within the framework of new paradigm. In the end the pas – beginning of present millennium development of science goes so intensively, that new ideas and interpretations do not have time to be integrated in the formed systems of the valued priorities and mental stereotypes which determine the reaction of personality and socio-cultural changes. A protective socially-psychological reaction shows up in strengthening of negative perception of consequences of development of science, which is actualizated as aspiration to slow the rates of development of new scientific directions or limit the spheres of their practical application. Fresh enough historical examples of similar examples are a voluntarily moratorium for development of technology of gene-engineering manipulations and subsequent decisions of Asilomar`s international conference (1974-1975) and introduction in the USA, as well as by the governments of other countries, prohibition on the state financing of researches in area of cloning of human creatures (1997 year). In this case speech, to our opinion, must go about the adaptive reaction of society. Its functional setting is smoothing of rates of evolution of science, policy, mentality. — 223 —