12 С G. Jung, Letters, 2:570, to Robert С Smith, 29 June 1960, original in English. 13 Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, CW 14, p. 548. Jung held a somewhat different view outside of his official, professional writings, especially in Memories, Dreams, Reflections, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe (New York: Random House, 1961). 14 On Hegel, see W. T. Stace, The Philosophy of Hegel (1924; New York: Dover, 1955), p. 39ff. 15 In the Red Book Jung says, "your thoughts are just as much outside yourself as trees and animals are outside your body" Jung, Red Book, p. 249). 16 С G. Jung, Answer to job (New York: Meridian, 1960), p. 200. 17 Jung to R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, 2 September 1953, Letters, 2:122. 18 Jung, Two Essays on Analytic Psychology, CW7,p. 185. 19 Jung, "Commentary on 'The Secret of the Golden Flower," CW13, p. 133. 20 On the synthesis of opposites in Kabbalah and Chasidism, see R. Elior, "Chabad: The Contemplative Ascent to God," in Jewish Spirituality: From the Sixteenth Century Revival to the Present, ed. Arthur Green (New York: Crossroads, 1987), pp. 157-205; Sanford Drob, "The Doctrine of Coincidentia Oppositomm in Jewish Mysticism," http://www.newkabbalah .com/CoincJ ewMyst.htm; Gustav Derifuss, "The Union of Opposites in the Kabbalah," Journal ofJungian Theory and Practice 71 \ (2005): 65-72. 21 C. G. Jung to Joseph F. Rychlak, April 27, 1959, Letters, 2:500-501 22 Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, CW 14, p. 473. 23 p. 495 24 Jung, CW7, p. 180. 25 Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, CW 14, p. 472. 26 Jung, CW7, § 267. 27 Segal, The Gnostic Jung, p. 40. 28 Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, CW 14, p. 474. 29Jung,CW7, §267, 275. 30 Эта деконструкция может фактически быть сродни "диссолюции" эго в пользу наивысшей, надличностной Самости (Адам Кадмон, Атман) и в конечном счете в пользу "бесконечного (Эйн соф, Брахман), для которого индивидуальное эго - преходящая волна. В архетипической и структуралисткой интерпретации даже эта трансперсональная Самость включает определенные инвариантные структуры смысла, сознания и языка. Деконструктивисты увидели бы в этом в абсолютно отрицательные, открытые, и/или бессмысленные термины. 31 See Sanford Drob, Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialogue (New York: Peter Lang, 2009); Sanford Drob, Symbols of the Kabbalah (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 2000), p. 37; Sanford Drob, "Derrida and the Lurianic Kabbalah" (www.newkabbalah.com). — 224 —