Accordingly, it is possible to select three forms of adaptation and three elements of evolutional strategy of survival of human in surrounding environment ? biological, socio-cultural and technological ones. However, if biological adaptation does not imply the change of environment directly, the socio-cultural and technological adaptations are based on active purposeful influence of man on transformation the world which he exists in. Round the biological type of Homo sapiens is formed the new environment. In same queue socio-cultural and technological forms of evolutional process to the present tense as an inalienable element of the same Homo sapiens essence. Exactly it serves as primary empiric foundation for consideration of process of anthropogenesis as not linear superposition of a few processes – biological evolution, socio-cultural history and scientifically-technological progress. More adequate is a coevolutional model – attended development of the off-line, but interdependent from each other systems. Feature of stable evolutional strategy hominides consists, as we see, in transformation of biological inadaptations in socio-cultural adaptation, step-up the chances of the transmitters on a survival. Perhaps, most brightly it showed up in regard to functional organization of higher nervous activity, becoming the necessary factor of socialization and forming of culture. Modern researches suppose that by the features of psychical activity, which did possible passing to new evolutional strategy for our ancestors, became such ones:
All of these signs have expressly exposed polygenic inherited a component, by virtue of what result in the expressed loss of stability of higher nervous activity, predisposition to psychical illnesses. From other side they serve as the base of creative potential of man. — 220 —