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[100]Jacques Derrida,Writing and Difference,trans. Alan Bass (Chicago: Univer­sity of Chicago Press, 1978), pp. 76-77.

[101]See, for example, J. Derrida, "Edmond Jabes and the Question of the Book," inWriting and Difference,pp. 64-78; on Derrida on the Kabbalah, see Wolfson,Assaulting the Border,and S. Drob, "Derrida and the Kab­balah," online at www.newkabbalah.com.

[102]On indefinite and infinite interpretability in Kabbalistic hermeneutics, see: G. Scholem, "The Meaning of the Torah in Jewish Mysticism," in hisOn the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism(New York: Schocken, 1969), pp. 32-86; Idel,Absorbing Perfections,pp. 83-99; and Joseph Dan, "The Name of God, the Name of the Rose, and the Concept of Language in Jewish Mysticism," in hisJewish Mysticism,Vol. II:The Modern Period(Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1998), pp. 131-162.

[103]See, for example, Zohar I:29b-30a: "Letters were imprinted on the fabric of the Whole, on the upper and the lower fabric__'The heavens' are the total­ity of twenty-two letters. The letterheproduced the heavens....The lettervavproduced the earth." Sperling and Simon,The Zohar,1:114.

[104]For a discussion of the Kabbalah's linguistic mysticism, ontology, and meta­physics, see S. Drob,Symbols of the Kabbalah,pp. 236-262.

[105]Scholem, "The Meaning of the Torah," p. 76.

[106]Тамже,p. 65

[107]Scholem, "The Meaning of the Torah," p. 73.

[108]Chayyim Vital,Sefer Etz Chayyim,p. 29a, trans. Joel Kenney (personal cor­respondence).

[109]Daniel Matt, "Ayin: The Concept of Nothingness in Jewish Mysticism," inEssential Papers on Kabbalah,ed. Lawrence Fine (New York: New York Uni­versity Press, 1995), p. 81.

[110]Тамже,p. 87.

[111]In theRed Book,one of Jung's interlocutors, the Anchorite, says, "I've spent many years alone with the process of unlearning. Have you ever unlearned anything?" (Jung,Red Book,p. 269).

[112]Jung, "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious," inTwo Essays on Analytical Psychology, CW7,§ 274.

[113]W4.Jung, Letters,2:157

[114]See above, chapter 2; David Bakan,Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition(Boston: Beacon, 1958; paperback edition, 1975), p. xvii.

Карл Юнг, Антисемитизм и национал-социализм

И вот мы подходим к вопросу, который преследовал нас с самого начала исследования, - вопросу, рассмотрение которого уже неизбежно, учитывая результаты последующей части наших рассуждений. Это тема так называемого антисемитизма Юнга и его сочувствия национал-социализму. Мы глубоко рассмотрели эти проблемы в начале исследования, однако предыдущие его главы, возможно, благополучно скрывали актуальность данного вопроса за интенсивностью обсуждения. Теперь, сделав существенный теоретический прогресс, мы больше не можем избежать изучения биографических и исторических проблем в некоторых деталях, и уточнения того, могли ли эти проблемы оказать влияние на формирование теории Юнга.

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