Наркотики, электрошок и демоны

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Here are some of the areas which are explored in human experimentation:

Behavioral science: watching and recording data on different environmental parameters on human behavior. Modifying the environment.

Praise and punishment as motivators.

Isolation techniques: recording data both physiological and psychological from different isolation methods. Removing, adding, combining different methods of sensory isolation, and the effect of each.

Effectiveness of virtual reality in implanting programming.

Effectiveness of new disks created to put programming in. Cult graphics and computer experts will work to create better and more effective VR disks, which are tested on cult subjects for their effectiveness. The cult wants more and more standardization, and less room for human error and weakness, in its training techniques, which is why it is going more and more to high tech equipment and videos. Attempts to break programming, cause program failure; recording what is effective, what isn’t and develop new sequences to prevent pf. Subjects under hypnosis are ordered to try and break certain internal programming sequences. The ways they go about this, and what seems effective, are shared with the trainers, who then create new programs to prevent degradation of programming from occurring.

Harmonic/light, sensory deprivation and over stimulation and the effects neurologically and physically. New combinations of sensory input are always being tested to see which achieve the most lasting results, and can be done rapidly.

The cult is always trying to find new, better, faster methods to break down subjects, put programming in, and prevent the programming from failing. This has been the emphasis in most research it has done. The results of this research is shared worldwide, both by internet, phone calls, and international trainer conferences, where trainers worldwide share the results of what they are finding. New techniques are incorporated by other groups which are eager to find out what is being discovered.


If you have experimental programming, realize that the alters who were used in it are heavily traumatized. They also will feel devalued, less than human, and this was reinforced heavily by the trainers who worked with them. They probably weren’t used in initial experiments, as described above, but may have been used in second level experimentation.

I will explain what those terms mean. Top trainers and leaders will initiate an experiment with a new drug. They will learn to triturate dosages, and record all observable facts on hundreds of subjects. After enough data is gotten, they will then clear it for use by trainers in local groups. It will then still be considered experimental, but will be second level, instead of first level experimentation. At this point, all trainers in local groups will be told to record and report any adverse reactions to the drug, any usual dosages needed, etc. This data is collected in databanks (yes, the cult is now in the computer age), inside of encrypted files, which will then be sent to a central base in Langley, Virginia.

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