Function codes: these are the ”job codes” or work codes within the system. Often, several will be coded to link together to perform a task. These are usually a letter, such as a Greek alphabet letter, combined with a numeric sequence that corresponds to their place on the internal grid or landscape. Suggestions: If the survivor has function codes, or the other codes internally, it will help if the different system controllers can share these with the person. The person can then get to know the fragments, hear their history, and help them begin coalescing with other parts internally. It may help to find the template these codes were fragmented from, and help the template realize how they were traumatized to create these fragments. About deprogrammers: Often people who call themselves deprogrammers will attempt to find these codes and help the person. This is an individual decision of each survivor and therapist. There may be excellent deprogrammers, but I have always felt extreme caution, and never used one myself for two reasons: 1. I would never ever give away the locus of control away to an outside person again. It would remind me to much of my own abuse, and I believe the survivor should be self empowered in therapy as much as possible. 2. There are no quick cures, or miracles, or short cuts in the process of undoing the extensive amount of abuse that has occurred with Illuminati programming. Even the best deprogrammers will admit that after they are done, the person will usually have an idea of what was put in them, but must finish with years of therapy dealing with how they FEEL about the programming that was done. Illuminati programming takes YEARS to put in, with extensive, methodical abuse, and a realistic therapist will realize that it will take years of patience, support, and hard work by both therapist and survivor to undo a lifetime of conditioning and pain. This is not to say that deprogrammers don’t help people; good, reputable, safe ones have been reported to be of great help. But the person can also undertake the process themselves of undoing their own programming, and often the survivor is the best ”internal deprogrammer” of all. They know their inside people and what motivates them, better than anyone else. Chapter Fourteen: SPIRITUAL PROGRAMMING Note: this chapter includes discussion of both cult and Christian spirituality; do not read if these themes are triggering — 165 —