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Any negative experience the person undergoes, will be used to reinforce the concept that they have been abandoned by God. The cult will gleefully point out the contradictions between what the person experiences, and what Christianity teaches should happen to them. They may distort scriptures, or use false scriptures. They may distort Christian hymns, or use them in programming. A favorite hymn is ”may the circle be unbroken”, since it can have two meanings.


Spiritual programming can be some of the most damaging programming within a person’s systems, since it attempts to cut them off from the source of real healing. It is an intentional distortion of truth, with events calculated to teach and reinforce wrong concepts of God. Many survivors are unable to hear Christian terms, or are intensely triggered by any religious discussion.

The survivor and therapist need to realize that these negative reactions are the result of years of false teaching, pain, punishment, distortion and set-ups. It is important not to judge the parts of the person that are negative towards spirituality, or come out, proclaiming the power and benefits of cult spirituality. The survivor’s front may be horrified to hear or learn about parts that have these feelings, especially if they are a strong Christian. These parts inside are sharing the only reality they have ever known, and need time and patience to ground, and experience reality outside of the cult setting.

Demonic oppression may need to be dealt with, and even deliverance, to bring relief to a system that is being terrorized by the demonic.

Each therapist and survivor will need to come to terms with their own spiritual beliefs. I personally believe that a therapist needs to consider the possibility of the demonic, since this is what the survivor has been exposed to all their life. The cult certainly does believe it is real, and anyone who has been involved in a cult setting will have had experiences that are in-explainable by normal rational scientific principles.

The survivor needs hope, and healing. A positive spirituality based on love, gentleness, forgiveness, that is the opposite of the coercing, punitive, negative spirituality the survivor has known, will help immensely in the healing process. A spiritual belief system that offers hope, healing, grace, mercy, and affirmation will often give the survivor the support they need to go on during the often difficult process of healing.

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