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Alters used in experiments, or told that they were experiments, need to realize they are valuable. They will need to realize they went through intense programming, and be allowed to vent and discuss their experiences. The fear related to believing they were an experiment needs to be vented appropriately. They will be angry at the dehumanization, intentionality, and coldness of what they went through, and quite rightly so. They may rail against the effects in their life now of the experiments and procedures they went through, and need to grieve over loss of body image; loss of trust in people; the sense of betrayal and helplessness that they felt during the procedures. They may want to journal, or draw pictures of their experiences.

A warm, empathetic therapist, who listens, and believes, and does not discount what they went through, is invaluable at this point. Allowing internal cognitives and helpers ground parts who went through bizarre sensory experiences, and creating ”grounding committees” inside will also help. Extra support may be needed while dealing with experiences and feelings of this intensity.

Function Codes

Trainers will place within the subject’s systems a special way to organize the fragments that are related to the job they were trained to do. These are called Function Codes, and there are three main types:

Command Codes:

these are irreversible commands, put in at the limbic level of conditioning. The first code always put in is the ”halt ” command, which stops the person in their tracks, and is the first code any new trainer learns. This will stop the subject from assassinating their trainer, if they have MK ULTRA or other assassin training in place.

Other command codes will include: system destruct codes (suicide); shatter codes; erasure codes; and antisuicide codes.

Access Codes:

these are specialized codes, often coded into short messages, or numerical codes, that allow access into the person’s system. A trainer will always begin a session by repeating the person’s personal complete access code, which will allow authorized entry into the system without setting off booby traps and internal protectors. These codes may also depend and be set up on sight recognition and voice recognition of the person giving the codes. In other words, the system will respond to the codes only if a person who appears to be an authorized person, such as the person’s trainer, gives them. This is to prevent unauthorized access or using of the person by others outside of the person’s local cult group.

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