Наркотики, электрошок и демоны

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Both survivor and therapist need to realize that some amount of distrust is healthy, based on what the survivor has experienced, and may be life saving, helping to protect them from outside accessing. Honor this need and be patient while the survivor tests over and over. The survivor can try to reason with inside alters who may have been betrayed to the point of legitimate paranoia. They may ask them to watch, and see what the therapist, and/or support person is like. To take their time, check them out. To be aware that what they went through may magnify normal feelings of caution. Helping orient these parts to outside reality, and especially positive experiences of trusting a little, and not being harmed, will help make great strides in undoing this. The survivor may feel confusion and internal conflict, as they experience a world where trust is possible. They may pull away, or the reverse, become highly dependent on the therapist and share too quickly due to a longing for safe intimacy that has never been met. Setting healthy boundaries while acknowledging needs will help the survivor through this stage.

Another type of programming involves the deliberate creation of internal structures within the cult member.

Internal structures:

temples, eyes, mirrors, carousels etc.

The Illuminati trainers will try to create internal structures within the person’s personality systems. Why? They believe this creates better stability. It also gives the alters and fragments a place to “hang on to” inside, and creates a convenient way to call them up. If a fragment is indexed inside to an internal helix, for example, the trainer knows how to locate them more easily.

Internal structures will vary greatly depending on the trainer, the group, the region of the U.S. or Europe and the goals for the individual. Common internal structures will include, but are not limited to:


these are often consecrated to principle Illuminati deities, and spiritual alters will congregate here. This may represent actual temples, Masonic or private, that the subject may have visited.

Temple of Moloch

will be created out of black stone with a fire burning internally.

All seeing eye of Horus:

one of the most common structures in an Illuminati system; universal. Horus is a deity revered by the Illuminati, and the all seeing eye internally represents the fact that the cult can always see what the individual is doing. It will also represent being given to Horus in a high ceremony. The eye may be closed, or open, depending on the system’s status at the time. This eye will also be linked to demonic watching of the person’s activities at all time.

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