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Internal training rooms:

used as punishments for internal alters. Will represent external training rooms person has been in.

Internal walls:

these will often represent very large internal amnesia barriers.

The walls

may be very thick, impermeable or semi permeable. A typical use for a wall will be to maintain high levels of amnesia between “front” or daily living, amnesic alters, and “back” or cult active alters that contain more of the person’s life history. The back may be able to selectively see over and cross past the wall, but the front will be completely unaware that there is a wall, or what lays behind it.


usually in a group of six or seven, represent demonic sealing, and may cover end times, shatter programming, as well as role within cult in new hierarchy.

These are some common programming structures. Again, there are many, many other types of internal structures used and the number and type are only limited by the trainer’s and survivor’s creative abilities. The way that these structures are placed within the person are fairly similar. Under drugs, hypnosis and electroshock, the person is traumatized into a deep trance state. In the deep trance they will be told to open their eyes and look at: either a projected image of the structure, a 3D model of it, or a holographic image using a virtual reality headset.

The image will be ground in, using shock and bringing the image closer and closer to the person’s visual field. It may be rotated, if graphics are available, or a 3D is used. They may be told that they are entering inside it, if it is a temple or pyramid, under deep hypnosis, that they (the alter being programmed) will now “live inside” the structure/box/card, etc. This will also be used to reinforce amnesia and isolation programming internally, since the structure will be used to reinforce walls between the alter/ fragment and other alters and fragments internally.


If the survivor finds structures inside, it will help for them first of all to try and realize WHY they are there. What purpose do they serve? To reinforce amnesia? Isolation? spiritual programming? punishment? To hold dangerous programming sequences? This is important, since some structures such as internal walls or barriers may have been created not only by the cult, but reinforced by the survivor as well, as a means of internal protection.

The survivor may not want to dismantle internal structures too quickly without knowing their purpose and what they contain. Both the survivor and the therapist will need to go slowly. Learning how the structures were put in and which alters are linked to the structure, will be a first step. Long, slow and careful preparation, with lots of system cooperation, will be needed to look at some structures.

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