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the Illuminati revere ancient Egyptian symbology, especially “mystery religion” and Temple of Set teachings. Pyramids will be placed internally both for stability (a triangle, and/or pyramid represents strength and stability), and as a calling place for the demonic. Pyramids and triangles, and the number three, represent calling up the demonic in Illuminist philosophy.


represents Ra, the sun god

Geometric figures:

configurations of circles, triangles, pentagons, etc. Geometric patterns are considered sacred, and are based in ancient philosophy. There may be hundreds overlapping in a training grid for complex systems, which will house fragments in each one.

Training grids:

these may be simplistic, such as cubes with patterns on them, rows of boxes, or more complex such as helixes, double helixes, infinity loops. Each trainer will have favorites classified as simple, medium and complex, depending on the child and its ability to recall and memorize.


Greek Doric, ionic columns. Often hold “time travel” programming, with a portal between two columns.


complex, highly dissociated systems with alters and fragments held within a computer system.


may be seen in older systems


gems, balls, multifaceted. Used in spiritual systems to enhance occult powers. Alters and fragments may congregate on facets of a large ball.


used internally to reinforce other programming sequences, internal twinning, and distortion of reality programming. May create shadow systems of functional systems. May also lock in demonic programming.


used in some programming sequences to confuse alters inside. Often linked to spin, confusion programming internally. May be used to punish internal alters; they will be spun on the carousel if they tell.

Deck of cards:

this can include cards from a deck, or complex configurations made of hundreds of card inside. Dominoes programming is similar. All touch each other and if person tries to dismantle programming, the deck will “fall”.

Black boxes:

represent self destruct and shatter programming sealed off into a black box to protect system. Should not be opened without careful preparation and good therapy.

Mines, booby traps:

see above

Spider webs:

represent linked programming, with a spider (internal programmer) who continuously reweaves the web and reinforces internal programming and punishments. The web also communicates with other systems. Can also represent demonic linkages internally, woven in.

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