Наркотики, электрошок и демоны

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Some revered ancient texts are written in very ancient languages, and certain ceremonies may include rituals which utilize them. Learning ancient and modern history and becoming adept at planning role plays and dramatizations. Learning to teach others the above skills. The child who becomes adept at scholarship will also be expected to become a skilled teacher, and in turn, pass their knowledge down to others. They will practice teaching in both classroom and individual sessions.


Scholarship programming will involve alters who are intensely loyal to the cult, since they believe they are related to a long, unbroken line of people since earliest history. They will often be immersed in cult philosophy, having read and memorized numerous esoteric volumes related to it. Appealing to logic, intellect, having an open mind and discussing the pros and cons of leaving the cult with them will often be received the best.

They despise open conflict, and prefer addressing issues intellectually. They will be skilled debaters, and quite verbal. Asking them to read books that address becoming free from the cult, and asking them to sit in and listen to accounts from traumatized alters both in their system and others inside, will often help them make the decision to switch loyalties. Although they will have been immersed in false ideologies and doctrines, they are frequently willing to attempt to be intellectually honest. They will read and debate both sides of an issue, and may become some of the first to make the decision to leave the cult once convinced that it is abusive.

Chapter Nine:


In this chapter, I want to address a special type of programming that is universal with the Illuminati. It is programming that is linked to a story, movie, cartoon, or role play dramatization.

For countless centuries, Illuminati trainers and leaders have used role playing to reinforce as well as program children, and it is a favorite mode of teaching up to this day. A typical drama set up, or role play, will involve a “visit through time.” The child is told, while drugged or hypnotized, that it and the other children with it (usually, a small group will go through this programming together) are going to ” time travel”. The trainer or teacher is seen as immensely powerful by the children, as he or she magically transports them through time.

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