Looking in a mirror may help, when they express readiness. Having cognitive helpers who can share daily life memories with them, may help to ground them. At first they will be very surprised, even indignant or hostile, at suggestions that they are not the character. They will think the therapist is a trainer, or part of the script, since this is the only reality that they have known. Re-grounding, patiently, over and over to present reality, increased communication with others inside, and eventually grieving over the intense amount of trickery and deception that they experienced, will be necessary. With time and patience these parts will be willing to give up their old “scripted” roles and become part of the person’s present reality. Chapter Ten: THE SIXTH STEP OF DISCIPLINE: BETRAYAL; TWINNING, INTERNAL WALLS, STRUCTURES, GEOMETRY This chapter will address the sixth step of discipline in the Illuminati: Betrayal programming. Betrayal programming Betrayal programming will begin in infancy, but will be formalized at around ages six to seven, and continue on into adulthood. The sixth step can be summarized as : “betrayal is the greatest good.” The Illuminists teach this to their children as a very important spiritual principle. They idealize betrayal as being the true state of man. The quick witted, the adept, learns this quickly and learns to manipulate it. The child will learn this principle through set up after set up. The child will be placed in situations where an adult who is kindly, and in set up after set up “rescues” the child, gains its trust. The child looks up to the adult as a “savior” after the adult intervenes and protects the child several times. After months or even a year of bonding, one day in a set up the child will turn to the adult for help. The adult will back away, mocking the child, and begin abusing it. This sets in place the programming: adults will always betray a child and other adults. Twinning Another set up will involve twinning, which deserves special mention here. The Illuminati will often create twin bonds in their children. The ideal is to have a set of real twins, but of course this is not always possible. So, the child is allowed to play with, and become close to, another child in the cult from earliest childhood. At some point early on, the child will be told that the other child is actually their “twin”, and that they were separated at birth. They are told that this is a great secret and not to tell anyone, on pain of punishment. The child, who is often lonely and isolated, is overjoyed. It has a twin, someone who has a special bond to them by birth. — 146 —