Психология познания. За пределами непосредственной информации

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3. В e x t о n W. H., Heron W. and Scott Т.Н. Effects of decreased variation in the sensory environment. Canadian Journal of Psychology, ]954, 8, 70—76.

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5. Bruner J. S., Mandler J., O’D о w d D. and Wallach M. A. The role of overlearning and drive level in reversal learning. Journal of Comparative Physiological Psychology, ]958, 5], 607-6]3.

6. В г у a n W. L. and H a r t e r N. Studies on the telegraphic language. The acquisition of a hierarchy of habits. Psychological Review, ]897, 6, 345—375.

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К оглавлению



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]9. M i ]] e r G. A., H e i s e G. A. and Lichten W. The intelligibility of speech as a function of the context of the test materials. Journal of Experimental Psychology, ]95], 4], 329—335.

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22. P о s t m a n L. and Bruner J.S. Perception under stress. Psychological Review, ]948, 55, 3]4—323.

23. Reed H. B. Factors influencing the learning and retention of concepts. I. The influence of set. Journal of Experimental Psychology, ]946, 36, 7]—87.

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