Практикум по арт - терапии

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Burt H. Issues in art therapy with the culturally displaced American Indian youth / / The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 20. 1993. P. 143-151.

Campanelli M. Art therapy and ethno-cultural issues / / The American Journal of Art Therapy. №30. 1991. P. 34-35.

Cattaneo M. Addressing culture and values in the training of art researchers. Art Therapy / / Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. Vol. 11. № 3. 1994. P. 184-186.

Chapman H. Rembrandt's Self-portraits. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.

Chiu T. The unique challenges faced by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals working in a multicultural setting / / The International Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 40. № 1. P. 61-74.

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Furnham A., Malik R. Cross-cultural beliefs about depression / / The Interna­tional Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol. 40. № 2. P. 106-123.

Haghighat R. Cultural sensitivity: ICD-10 versus DSM-III-R // The Interna­tional Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol. 40. № 3. P. 189-193.

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Jung C, von Franz M. Man and his Symbols. New York: J. G. Ferguson, 1964.

Kagawa-Singer M., Chung R. A paradigm of culturally based care in ethnic mi­nority populations / / Journal of Community Psychology. № 22. 1994. P. '192-208.

Kerwin C, PontesottoJ., Jackson В., Harrys A. Racial identity in biracial child­ren: a qualitative investigation / / Journal of Counseling Psychology. Vol. 40. № 2. P. 221-231.

Kroger J. Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other. New York: Routledge, 1989.

Kwiatkowska H. Family Therapy and Evaluation Through Art. Springfield, IL: Charles С Thomas Publisher, 1978.

Landgarten H. Magazine photo collage as a multicultural treatment and assess­ment technique. Art Therapy / / Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. Vol. 11. №3. P. 218-219.

Lee С. C. Cultural dynamics: their importance in multicultural counseling. Mul­ticultural Issues in Counseling: New Approaches to Diversity. Lee С. C, Richard­son В. E. (eds.). Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Develop­ment, 1991.

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