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Brooke S. L. Art Therapy: An Approach to Working with Sexual Abuse Survi­vors // The Arts in Psychotherapy. Vol. 22. № 5. 1995. P. 447-466.

Browne A., Finkelhor D. Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Re­search // Psychological Bulletin. Vol. 99. № 1. 1986. P. 66-77.

Carozza Р. М., Heirsteiner С. L. Young Female Incest Victims in Treatment: Stages of Growth Seen with a Group Art Therapy Model / / Clinical Social Work Journal. Vol. 10. № 3. 1982. P. 165-175.

Cody M. Art Therapy within a General Hospital Paediatric Unit, Image and Enactment in Childhood. Conference proceedings, Hertfordshire College of Art and Design, 1987. P. 40-43.

Cohen F. W., Phelps R. E. Incest Markers in Children's Artwork / / The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 12. 1985. P. 265-283.

DeYoung M., Corbin B. A. Helping Early Adolescents Tell: A Guided Exercise for Trauma Focused Sexual Abused Treatment Groups / / Child Welfare. Vol. LXXIII (2). 1994. P. 141-153. '

Franklin M. Art Therapy and Self-esteem // Art Therapy. Vol. 9. № 2. 1992. P. 78-84.

Hagood M. M. Group Art Therapy with Mothers of Victims of Child Sexual Abuse //The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 18. 1991. P. 17-27.

Hagood M. M. The Status of Child Sexual Abuse in the United Kingdom and Implications for Art Therapists / / Inscape. Spring 1992. P. 27-33.

Hibbard R. A., Hartman G. Genitalia in Human Figure Drawings: Child-rearing Practices and Child Sexual Abuse / / Paediatrics. Vol. 116. № 5. 1990. P. 822-828.

Johnson D. R. The Role of the Creative Arts Therapies in the Diagnosis and Treat­ment of Psychological Trauma / / The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 14. 1987. P. 7-13.

Kelley S. J. Drawings: Critical Communications for Sexually Abused Children / / Paediatric Nursing. № 11 (Nov./Dec/). 1985. P. 421-426.

Kelley S. J. The Use of Art Therapy with Sexually Abused Children / / Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. Vol. 22. № 12. 1984. P. 12-18.

Knille B. J., Tuana S. J. Group Therapy as Primary Treatment for Adolescent Victims of Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse / / Clinical Social Work Journal. № 8. 1980. P. 236-242.

Levinson P. Identification of Child Abuse in the Art and Play Products of the Paediatric Burn Patients / /Art Therapy. July 1986. P. 61-66.

Malchiody C. Breaking the Silence. New York: Brunner / Mazel, 1990.

Naitove С. E. Arts Therapy with Child Molesters: An Historical Perspective on the Act and an Approach to Treatment / / The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 15. 1988. P. 151-160.

Peake B. A. Child's Odyssey toward Wholeness through Art Therapy / / The Arts in Psychotherapy. № 14. 1987. P. 41-58.

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