[1012] Shanon, "The Biblical Merkava Vision", p. 35. [1013] Ibid, p. 40. [1014] Ibid. [1015] Shanon,The Antipodes of the Mind, p. 263. [1016] Ibid. [1017] Huxley,The Doors of Perception, p. 55. [1018] Huston Smith,Cleansing the Doors of Perception: The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals, j. p. tarcher/ puttnam, new york, 2000, p. 20. [1019] Ibid. [1020] Ibid.: "настрой" = психологический облик индивидуума; "окружение" = социальная и физическая обстановка, в которой принимается наркотик. [1021] R. Gordon Wasson, Carl A. P. Ruck, Albert Hoffman, The Road To Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries, Harcourt Brace Jova— novich, New York and London, 1978, p. 78–79. [1022] Ibid., p. 37. [1023] Там же, на с. 38, упоминается XIV век до н. э. как время первого проведения церемонии в Элевсине. В качестве даты закрытия святилища называется IV век нашей эры (с. 76). [1024] Paul Devereux, The Long Trip: A Prehistory of Psychedelia^ Pengu— in/Arkana, New York, 1997, p. 83. [1025] Cited in Wasson et al., The Road To Eleusis, p. 10. [1026] Ibid, p. 77. [1027] Cited in George Mylonas, Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries, Princeton University Press, 1969, p. 285. [1028] Ibid. [1029] Ibid, p. 284. [1030] Wasson et al. The Road To Eleusis, p. 84. [1031] Ruck in ibid, p. 80. [1032] Cited in ibid. [1033] Ruck in ibid, p. 37. [1034] Ibid, p. 80. [1035] Ruck in ibid, p. 81. [1036] Ruck in ibid. [1037] Hoffman in ibid, p. 23. [1038] Hoffman in ibid, p. 33. [1039] Hoffman in ibid. [1040] Ibid, p. 37. [1041] Ibid, p. 80; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1:226. [1042] Wasson, Ruck, Hoffman, The Road To Eleusis, p. 48, 80–81. [1043] Devereux, Long Trip, p. 82. [1044] Wasson et al. The Road To Eleusis, plate 9. [1045] Carl A. P. Ruck in R Gordon Wasson, Stella Kamrisch, Jonathan Ott, Carl A. P. Ruck, Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1986, p. 160. [1046] Wasson et al. The Road To Eleusis, plate 9. [1047] Wasson in Wasson et al, Persephone's Quest, p. 32. — 485 —