[983] Jim Schnabel, Dark White: Aliens, Abductions and the UFO Obsession, Penguin Books, London, 1994, p. 126–129; Michael Persin— ger in David M. Jacobs (Ed.), UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knoivledge, University Press of Kansas, 2000, p. 281, 286, 289; Michael Persinger in Dennis Stillings (Ed.), "Cyber-Bio— logical Studies of the Imaginal Component in the UFO Contact Experience", Archaeus, Vol. 5, 1989, p. 157–171. [984] Jim Schnabel, Dark White, p. 130; Michael Persinger in David M. Jacobs (Ed.), UFOs and Abductions, p. 262–302; Michael Persinger in "Cyber-Biological Studies", p. 157–171. [985] Michael Persinger in David M. Jacobs (Ed.), UFOs and Abductiom, p. 300. [986] Ibid. [987] Father Joseph Borders, Lourdes: In Bernadette's Footsteps, MSM, 1991, p. 29. [988] A. Ravier, Lourdes, p. 18. [989] Harpur, Daimonic Realityp. 97: Исследователи установили, что в период между 1928 и 1975 годом Римско-католическая церковь признала 230 явлений Девы Марии. [990] Cited in Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds, Contemporary Books, Chicago, (1969) 1993, p. 134. В данном случае я всецело полагаюсь на сообщение Валле, с. 132–135. [991] Ibid, р. 134–135. [992] Harpur, Daimonic Reality, p. 100. [993] Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, E. P. Dutton, New York, 1976, p. 148–149. [994] Harpur, Daimonic Reality, p. 101. [995] Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 143. [996] Ibid. [997] Ibid, p. 143–144. [998] Ibid, p. 144. [999] Cited in ibid, p. 144. [1000] Ibid, p. 145. [1001] Cited in ibid. [1002] Ibid, p. 146. [1003] Cited in ibid, p. 147. [1004] Bryan Appleyard, Aliens: Why They Are Here, Scribner, London, 2005, p 138. [1005] Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 148; Appleyard, Aliens, p. 138. [1006] Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 152. [1007] Ibid, p. 150. [1008] Benny Shanon, "The Biblical Merkava Vision and Ayahuasca Visions", Studies in Spirituality2003, 13, p. 34. [1009] Ibid. [1010] Ibid, p. 36. [1011] 71. Помимо "колес" (смотри, к примеру: Shanon, The Antipodes of the Mind: Chaning the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience, Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 128), люди, употребляющие аяуаску, нередко видят летающие тарелки. Смотри рисунки перуанского шамана Пабло Амаринго (в книге: Luis Eduardo Luna and Pablo Amaringo, Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1999. Смотри также: Shanon, The Antipodes of the Mind, p. 122). В видениях аяуаски нередко встречаются и образы глаз. Смотри, к примеру: Shanon, The Antipodes of the Mind, p. 133, 140. — 484 —