[953] Michael Ripinsky-Naxon, The Nature of Shamanism: Substance and Function of a Religious Metaphor, State University Press of New York Press, 1993, p. 133. [954] Walter Scott (Ed. and Trans.),Heimetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, shambhala, boston, 1993, excerpt ii a, Hermes to Tat, p. 383. [955] Ibid, Libellus VI, p. 169. [956] Ibid, Excerpt II A, Hermes to Tat, p. 387. [957] James M. Robinson (Ed.), The NagHammadi Library in English, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1988; Scott, Hermetica. По поводу связей между гностицизмом и герметизмом, а также пересекающихся текстов (таких, например, как Асклепий) смотри следующую работу: Hancock and Bauval, Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, Penguin, London, 2005, Chapter 9. [958] Смотри обсуждение этой темы в следующей работе: Hancock and Bauval, Talisman. [959] New Scientist, 25 December 1987–1 January 1988, "Father Christmas flies on toadstools", p. 45. [960] Смотри: Ripinsky-Naxon, The Nature of Shamanism, op. cit, p. 2–3. [961] The Book of Saints, A & C. Black, London, (1921) 1989, p. 500–1. [962] Ibid, p. 556. [963] Ibid, p. 329. [964] Ibid, p. 519–520. [965] Cited in Holger Kalweit, Dreamtime and Inner Space: The World of the Shaman, Shambhala, London and Boston, 1998, p. 94. [966] W. Y. Evans-Wentz, The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, New Page Books, Franklin Lakes, NJ, 2004 (переиздание 1911 года с современным введением Карла Мак-Колемана), р. 264–265. [967] Ibid, р. 265. [968] Ibid. [969] Diane Purkiss,Troublesome Things: A History of Fairies and Fairy Stories, penguin, london, 2000, p. 65. [970] Ibid. [971] Ibid., p. 65–6. [972] A. Ravier SJ, Lourdes, p. 5–6. [973] Ibid, p. 7. [974] Ibid. [975] Ibid. [976] Ibid, p. 7–8. [977] Cited in Harpur, Daimonic Reality, p. 97–98. [978] A. Ravier, Lourdes, p. 10. [979] Надпись в подземной часовне Лурда. Личные наблюдения. [980] Jjourdes Magazine, Grotto Special, October/November 2003, p. 28–29. [981] Paul Bahn, Journey through the Ice Age, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1997, p. 58. [982] Lourdes Magazine, Grotto Special, p. 13. — 483 —