[869] Cited in Luna, Vegetalismo, p. 62. [870] Ibid, p. 65. [871] Luna, "The Concept of Plants as Teachers", p. 142. [872] Ibid. [873] Ibid, p. 141. [874] Ibid, p. 139. [875] Benny Shanon,The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayabuasca Experience, oxford university press, 2002, p. 251. [876] Bradford Keeny,Ropes to God: Experiencing the Bushman Spiritual Universe, rolling rocks press, 2003, p. 44. [877] Ibid, p. 71. [878] Shanon,The Antipodes of the Mind, p. 8. [879] Ibid, p. 109. [880] Ibid, p. 302. [881] Ibid, p. 44. Шэнон сообщает, что всего было опрошено 178 человек — 122 мужчины и 56 женщин. 16 человек были индейцами или лицами смешанного происхождения, 106 проживали в городах Южной Америки, и 56 были иностранцами, обитавшими за пределами южноамериканского континента. Шэнон подсчитал, что в общей сложности ему удалось проанализировать 2500 случаев приема аяуаски. [882] Ibid, р. 120. [883] Jeremy Narby and Francis Huxley (Eds), Shamans through Time, Thames and Hudson, London, 2001, p. 302. [884] Смотри: Rick Strassman MD,DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences, park street press, rochester, vermont, 2001, p. 34–36. [885] Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature, Futura Macdonald, London, 1982, p. 171–173. [886] Strassman, DMT, p. 34. [887] Daily Mail, London, 8 August 2004, p. 44–45. [888] Shanon,The Antipodes of the Mind, эпиграф. [889] Francis Crick,The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul, touchstone books, london, 1995. [890] Francis Crick, Of Molecules and Men, Prometheus Books, New York, (1966) 2004, p. 69–70. [891] Crick, Life Itself Прежде всего смотри с. 113–40. [892] Cited in Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, Victor Gollancz, London, 1998, p. 59. [893] Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramsinghe, Lifecloud: The Origin of Life in the Universe, J. M. Dent and Sons, London and Toronto, 1978. [894] Lyn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Micro-Cosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution, Summit Books, New York, 1986, p. 43. [895] Ibid., p. 51. [896] Ibid., p. 51. — 480 —