[142] Cited in Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 204. [143] Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hoffman and Christian Ratsch, PI cults of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 2001, p. 78, 106 ff. [144] Ibid, p. 110. [145] Смотри главу третью. [146] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 206. [147] Ibid, p..208 ff. [148] Ibid, p. 208–210. [149] Ibid, p. 210. [150] Ibid, p. 211. [151] Ibid, p. 205. [152] Ibid, p. 208. [153] Ibid, p. 211–212. [154] Ibid, p. 212. [155] Ibid. [156] Ibid. [157] Ibid. [158] Ibid. [159] Ibid. [160] Ibid, p. 212. [161] Cited in ibid, p. 212. [162] Cited in ibid, from Siegel and West (Eds), Hallucinations: Behaviour, Ехрепеггсе and Theory, p. 104–105. [163] Смотри главу седьмую. [164] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 212. [165] Ibid. [166] Ibid. [167] Ibid. [168] Ibid. [169] Ibid, p. 215. Alexander Marshack, The Roots of Civilisation: The Cognitive Beginnigs of Man's First Art, Symbol and Notation, McGraw— Hill, New York, 1972 (и многие другие работы). Этот автор — один из главных сторонников данной точки зрения. [170] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 215. [171] Ibid. [172] Ibid. [173] Ibid. [174] Ibid. [175] Ibid, citing John Halverson,*Art for Art's Sake in the Palaeolithic", Cun-ent Anthropology), 28, 1987, p. 63–98. [176] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 215. [177] Ibid. [178] Ibid., p. 216. [179] Ibid, p. 202. [180] Ibid, p. 213. [181] Смотри главу шестую. [182] После ухода его из университета в 2003 году — заслуженный профессор в отставке. [183] Jean Clottes and David Lewis-Williams, Sbamans of Prehistory): Trance and Magic in the Painted Caves, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1998. [184] Robert Layton, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 10:1 (2000), p. 169. [185] David S. Whitley Introduction to Lewis-Williams, Л Cosmos in Stone, p. ix. — 456 —