[104] Смотри главу пятую. [105] Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1978; Lewis-Williams, The Mind in the Cave, p. 131. [106] Reichel-Dolmatoff, The Shaman and the Jaguar, p. 172. [107] Ibid. [108] Ibid. [109] Ibid. [110] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times". [111] Reichel-Dolmatoff, The Shaman and the Jaguar, p. 173. [112] Ibid, p. 174. [113] Ibid. [114] Ibid, p. 173. [115] David Lewis-Williams, A Cosmos in Stone, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2002, p. 169. [116] J. D. Lewis-Williams and Thomas Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", Cwrent Anthropology, Vol. 29, No. 2. p. 202. [117] Ibid. [118] Ibid. [119] Ibid., p. 203; Heinrich Kluver, Mescal and Mechanisms of Hallucination, Phoenix Books, The University of Chicago Press, 1966, p. 66. [120] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 203. [121] H. Kluver, "Mescal Visions and Eidetic Vision", American Journal of Psychology, У7 (1926), p. 502–515; H. Kluver, Mescal: The Divine Plant and its Psychological Effects, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1928; H. Kluver, "Mechanisms of Hallucinations, Studies in Personality", Q. McNemar and MA Merrill (Eds), McGraw— Hill, New York. [122] E. g. Horowitz, "Hallucinations: An information-processing approach", in R. Siegel and L. West (Eds) Hallucinations: Behaviour, Experience and Theory, Wiley, New York, 1975, cited in Lewis— Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 202. [123] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 202. [124] Ibid. [125] Ibid, p. 203. [126] Kluver,Mescal and Mechanisms of Hallucination, p. 66. [127] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 203. [128] Смотри главу седьмую. [129] Lewis-Williams and Dowson, "The Signs of All Times", p. 203. [130] Ibid, p. 204. [131] Ibid. [132] Ibid. [133] Ibid. [134] Ibid. [135] Ibid. [136] Ibid [137] Ibid. [138] Ibid, p. 205. [139] Cited in ibid, p. 204. [140] Cited in ibid. [141] Robert Layton in Whitley (Ed.) Handbook of Rock Art Research, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2001, p. 321. — 455 —