37.1.P. Tolmachoff, «The carcasses of the mammoth and rhinoceros found in the frozen ground of Siberia*, American Philosophical Society Transactions 23 (1929): 51—71.
- S. Taber, «Perennially frozen ground in Alaska: Its origin and history*, Bulletin ofthe Geological Society of America 54 (1943): 1483— 1484.
- Howorth, «The Mammoth and the Flood», 71.
- W.R. Farrand, «Frozen mammoths and modern geology*, Science 133 (1961): 729—735.
- Howorth, «The Mammoth and the Flood», 96.
- Taber, ^Perennially frozen ground..*, 1489.
- Hibben, evidences of early man...», 254—259.
- Taber, «Perennially frozen ground...*, 1489.
- R.W. Boyle, «The geochemistry of gold and its deposits*, Geological Survey of Canada, бюллетень 280 (1979): 381.
- Ibid., 369.
- Howorth,«The Mammoth and the ?lood», 318, 358, 372.
- Ibid, 53.
- D.G. Whitley, «The Ivory Islands in the Arctic Ocean*, journal of the Philosophical Society of Great Britain 12 (1910): 35.
- F.P. Wrangell, Narrative of an expedition to Siberia and the Polar Sea (1841), 173, цит. no Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, 18.
- GA. Erman, Travels in Siberia, vol.2 (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848), 379—380, цит. no Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, 19.
- T.L. Pewe, «Origin of the upland silt near Fairbanks, Alaska*, Бюллетень Американского геологического общества 67 (1955): 699—724.
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Taber, «Perennially frozen ground..*, 1486.
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