Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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  1. I. Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (New York: Pocket Books, 1950), 114—115.
  2. F.M. Muller, ed., The Sacred Books of the East, vol.12, Satapatha-Brahmana, часть 1, пер. Дж. Иггелин (Oxford: University Press, 1882), 216.
  3. A, Heidel, The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949), 248—249,
  4. L. Ginzberg, The legends of the Jews (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publications Society, 1913), 158.

31. Ibid, 162.

Глава девятая. Легенды о потопе индейцев Южной и Северной Америки

1. D.G. Brinton, Myths of the New World (New York: Henry Holt, 1876), 216.

2, Ibid, 185.

3.1. Donnelly, The Destruction of Atlantis (New York: Multimedia Publishing, 1883,1971), 204—205.

4. R.B. Dixon, The Mythology of All Races, vol.9, Oceanic [Mythology], под ред. Л.Г. Грей (Boston, Marshall Jones, 1916), 279.

  1. H.H. Bancroft, The Native Races, vol.3, Myths and Languages (San Francisco, The History Company, 1886), 81—82.
  2. E.E. Clark, Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953), 11—12.

7. Ibid, 14—15.

  1. Ibid, 31—32.
  2. Ibid., 42-43.

10. Ibid, 44.

  1. E.E. Clark, Indian Legends of Canada (Toronto: McClelland-&Stewart,1960),20—21.
  2. V.R. Baker, «The Spokane Flood controversy and the Martian outflow channels*, Science 202 (1978)1249—1256.
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