Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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  1. Clark, Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, 74—75.
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid, 45.

17. E.E. Clark, Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966), 90.

  1. Brinton, Myths of the New World, 219.
  2. Bancroft, The Native Races, 67—68.
  3. Ibid, 89—90.
  1. H. Osborne, South American Mythology (New York: Hamlyn Publishing, 1968), 95.
  2. H. Fox, first Fire: Central and South American Indian Poetry (New York Anchor Books, 1978), 40—41.

23. S. Hugh-Jones, «The Pleiades and Scorpius in Barasana Cosmology*, Annals ofNew York Academy of Sciences 385 (1982): 183— 201.

24. Ibid., 190.

25. S. Hugh-Jones, The palm and the Pleiades: Initiation and Cosmology in Northwest Amazonia (New York Cambridge University Press, 1979), 267—268.

  1. Hugh-Jones, «The Pleiades and Scorpius...», 200.
  2. Ibid
  3. Hugh-Jones, The palm and the Pleiades...», 176—186.
  4. Ibid, 263.

30.0. Muck, The Secret of Atlantis (N ew York Pocket Boob, 1978),


  1. The Oregonian, 16 ноября 1985 года, AI, Аб.
  2. D.S. Allan и J.B. Delair, When the Earth Nearly Died (Bath: Gateway Books, 1995), 114—118.
  1. T.D. Dillehay, «А late ice-age settlement in Southern Chile», Scientific American 251, октябрь 1984, с. 106—112.
  2. S. Porter, «Pleistocene glaciation in the southern lake district of Chile*, Quaternary Research 16 (1981) 263—292.

35. C.J. Heusser, R.F. Flint, «Quaternary glaciations and environments of northern Isla Chioe, Chile*, Geology 5 (1977) 305— 308.

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