- Clark, Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, 74—75.
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid, 45.
17. E.E. Clark, Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966), 90.
- Brinton, Myths of the New World, 219.
- Bancroft, The Native Races, 67—68.
- Ibid, 89—90.
- H. Osborne, South American Mythology (New York: Hamlyn Publishing, 1968), 95.
- H. Fox, first Fire: Central and South American Indian Poetry (New York Anchor Books, 1978), 40—41.
23. S. Hugh-Jones, «The Pleiades and Scorpius in Barasana Cosmology*, Annals ofNew York Academy of Sciences 385 (1982): 183— 201.
24. Ibid., 190.
25. S. Hugh-Jones, The palm and the Pleiades: Initiation and Cosmology in Northwest Amazonia (New York Cambridge University Press, 1979), 267—268.
- Hugh-Jones, «The Pleiades and Scorpius...», 200.
- Ibid
- Hugh-Jones, The palm and the Pleiades...», 176—186.
- Ibid, 263.
30.0. Muck, The Secret of Atlantis (N ew York Pocket Boob, 1978),
- The Oregonian, 16 ноября 1985 года, AI, Аб.
- D.S. Allan и J.B. Delair, When the Earth Nearly Died (Bath: Gateway Books, 1995), 114—118.
- T.D. Dillehay, «А late ice-age settlement in Southern Chile», Scientific American 251, октябрь 1984, с. 106—112.
- S. Porter, «Pleistocene glaciation in the southern lake district of Chile*, Quaternary Research 16 (1981) 263—292.
35. C.J. Heusser, R.F. Flint, «Quaternary glaciations and environments of northern Isla Chioe, Chile*, Geology 5 (1977) 305— 308.
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