Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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26. S. Thompson, Tales of the North American Indians (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971), 44—45, цит. no F. Boas, Jesup North Pacific Expedition, т.1, с. 95.

27. Ibid.

28. D.G. Brinton, Myths of the New World (New York: Henry Holt, 1876), 226-227.

  1. Ibid, 165.
  2. Ibid
  1. f. Donnelly, The Destruction of Atlantis (New York Multimedia Publishing, 1883,1971), 181-182.
  2. Le Jeune, в Ralations des Jesuits dans la NouveUe-Vrance, т.1, с, 54,1637 г., цит. по Donnelly, 182.
  3. J. Franklin, Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea (Rutland, Vt: Charles Turtle, 1971), 291—294.

34. E.E. Clark, Indian legends of Canada (Toronto: McClelland&Stewart, 1960), 17—19.

  1. Popular Science Monthly, октябрь 1879: с 799; цит. по Доннел-ли,с.178.
  2. Brinton, Myths of the New World, 111.

3 7. H. Fox, First Fire: Central and South American Indian Poetry (New York Anchor Books, 1978), 56.

38. DA. Mackenzie, Indian Myth and legend (London: Gresham Publishing, 1913), 142.

39.1. Donnelly, The Destruction of Atlantis',435.

40. PA. Laviolette, «Global warming at the Termination I boundary and its possible extraterrestrial cause*. Электронная версия: arxiv.org/ abs/physics/0503158.

  1. РЛ. Laviolette, «Cosmic-гау volleys from the Galactic center and their recent impact on the Earth environment*, Earth, Moon and Planets 37(1987): 241—286.
  2. A.T. Wilson и A. Long, «What was the carbon dioxide content of the glacial atmosphere*, Eos 74 (1993): 78; «New approaches to CO, analysis in polar ice cores*, Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (1997) 26601-26606.
  3. A Neftel et al, «C02 record in the Byrd ice core 50000—5000years В.Р.», Nature 331 (1988): 609—611.
  4. J.B-H. Kloosterman, «An Allcrnd conflagration? (Comments on Apophoretall)*, Catastrophist Geology 2, № 1 (1977): 13—15.
  5. J.B.H. Kloosterman, «The Usselo Horizon, a worldwide thin layer rich in charcoal of Alleroed age*, New Solar System Models, Symposium Burgamo, 1999,52—53,
  6. K. Hughen et al., «Deglacial changes in ocean circulation from an extended radiocarbon calibration*, Nature 391 (1998) 65 68.
  7. PA. Laviolette, «Galactic explosions...*, гл. 10.
  8. R.B. Firestone и W. Topping, «Terrestrial Evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times*, Mammoth Trumpet 16 (2001): 9— 18; переиздано в Infinite Energy 40 (2001) 15—22.
  9. R.B. Firestone, «Response to the Comments by j.R. Southon and R.E. Taylor*, Mammoth Trumpet 17 (2002): 14; www.een terfi rst-americans.com/mt.html?a=61.
  10. J.D. Dana, Manual, of Geology (New York American Book, 1880),


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