Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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  1. E.E. Mendoza, «Infrared photometry of T Tauri stars and related objects*, Astrophysical Journal 143 (1966) 1010—1014.
  2. G.F. Gahm, «Х-ray observations of T Tauri stars*, Astrophysical Journal 242 (1980) U63 — L166.
  3. M. Mizutani, T. Maihara, N. Hiromoto, H. Tamaki, «Near-infrared observation of the circumsolar dust emission during the 1983 solar eclipse*. Nature 312 (1984); 134—136.
  4. S. Isobe, T. Hirayama, N. Baba, N. Miura, Optical polarization observations of circumsolar dust during the 1983 solar eclipse*, Nature 318(1985) 644—646.
  5. K-W. Hodapp, RAt VacQueen, DN. Hall, «A search during the 1991 solar eclipse for the infrared signature of circumsolar dust*, Nature 355(1992) 707-710.
  6. T. Gold, «Apollo II observations of a remarkable glazing phenomenon on the lunar surface*, Science 165 (1969) 1345—1349.
  7. PA Laviolette, «Galactic explosions...*, 272—273.
  8. V.R. Baker, «The Spokane Flood controversy and the Martian outflow channels*, Science 202 (1978) 1249—1256.

18.MH.Carr, «The Geology of Mars*, American Scientist 68 (1980) 626-635.

19. V.R. Baker, «Water and the martian landscape*, Nature 412 (2001) 228—236.

20. G.G. Ori, L Marinangeli, A. Baliva, «Terraces and Gilbert-type deltas in crater lakes in Ismenius Lacus and Memnonia (Mars)* Journal of Geophysical Research 105 (2000): 17629—17641.

21. V.R. Baker, «Water and the martian landscape*, 228—236.

22. «Mars Emerging from Ice Age, Data Suggest*, вебсайт: space.com/scienceastronomy/mars_ice-age_031208.html.

  1. Платон, «Тимей», 22b — 22d, Избранные произведения.
  2. Овидий, Метаморфозы^ кн. II, предание о Фаэтоне.

25. Е.Е. Clark, Indian legends of the Pacific Northwest (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953), 53—55.

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