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Core splits are done between the ages of 18 months and three years. Usually at least one parent or main caretaker is involved in the trauma, because this creates the psychological devastation necessary to split the core. Physical trauma alone rarely causes core splits. The torture is intense and prolonged, until the child collapses. It may be shocking, stretching, being hung in a high place, or a combination of several techniques. Being placed in ”shock boxes”, or near drowning are also used.

The techniques that create core splits are also dangerous, since they can also cause autism if the child cannot endure the programming. When I was in the cult, I fought to stop core splitting because occasionally children were lost or the foundational personality was too weakened.

The core may split into two, three, or up to eight splits internally. Each split will be a piece of the ”core child”. The original core will not resurface after splitting. These splits are used by cult trainers to be used as templates to create systems within the child. A core split, or a split from one, will be a strong alter, and can be re-split many times in the programming process, to create a multifaceted and diverse system within.


Core splits represent intense foundational trauma. They will be the basis for later systems, which may be completely dissociated from the split as time goes on. Work on core splits should go very slowly, and only late in the therapy process when there is immense intrasystem cooperation. The survivor will need every internal resource to deal with these traumas, and plenty of outside therapeutic support. It may mean hospitalization unless the survivor can keep the trauma from emerging too quickly, and the therapist and survivor can go extremely slow. Other, less dissociated systems and fragments should be integrated.

Acknowledging the abuse cognitively will be the first step in dealing with core trauma. Letting more dissociated parts grieve about ”hearing about” what happened may come next. Allowing feelings near the core to come close, a little at a time, with helpers and internal nurturers offering support will help. These feelings should be titrated, and looked at a little at a time. Splits may be different ages, and may need to express themselves in different ways.

There may be ”dream programming”, a ”fantasy world”, or other flight from reality surrounding the core splits, that protects them from contact with the outside world, which is perceived as brutal and cold. Parts may be completely disconnected from outside reality in an effort to buffer pain.

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