Military protectors can change their job to keeping the body safe, away from perpetrators. They can be a system’s greatest asset, as they are great at “kicking butt”, and are not easily frightened. They may be able to tell outside perpetrators to leave the survivor alone, and protect the survivor from outside accessing. Allowing them to vent their feelings in therapy, in journaling, in pictures, and in collages can also help. Although higher ranking officers internally are often very dissociated from their feelings, they can begin to empathize with the others below them, who took their pain, and the brunt of the brutal, punitive experiences. They have to be willing to acknowledge that they were abused at some point, that they were deceived and used. Finding the youngest alters they were split from will help with this process. With time and good internal communication, as well as patience from both the therapist and survivor, military alters can become one of the strongest assets and allies in staying cult free. Chapter Eight: CIA , GOVERNMENTAL, AND SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMING CIA programming Some systems will have internal CIA programming. Some of the methods mentioned in earlier chapters, such as brain wave programming and color coding were developed in part through funding by the CIA in the 1950?s and 1960?s. Military intelligence officers working in Langley, Virginia, used these government funds to conduct research on human subjects. They reported what they were learning to trainers throughout the U.S. and Europe. CIA programming can include having alters in a system trained in different techniques of both finding a target, and studying the target without being detected. The end result of tagging the victim can include having a sexual assignation with the target, or may involve having people inside trained to assassinate a target. These are complex programming sequences, and are put in over years of training, with periodic reinforcement. Alters may be trained to become hyper aware of their environment, and able to overhear conversations that are whispered. Internal recorders are taught to download these conversations, as well as other info. Photographic recall is emphasized, as the person will be hypnotized or put into a delta state for “downloading” information to the trainer or CIA operative. The survivor with CIA programming will have been taught extensively how to “drop a tag” (detect anyone following them, and ditch them). This training will be begun in early childhood and built upon as the child grows older. They will often be taken into a neutral colored training room. They may be drugged, or hypnotized, usually a combination of both. — 138 —