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  1. Motluk Alison (2005). Placebos trigger an opioid hit in the brain. New Scientist. 22:00 23 Aug.
  2. Whitehouse David (2003). Fake alcohol can make you tipsy. Summary of article in Psychological Science, reported in BBC News. Jul. 1.
  3. Penfield W., Baldwin M. (1952). Temporal lobe seizures and the technique of subtotal temporal lobectomy. Annals of Surgery. 136: 625-634.
  4. Penrose Roger (2002). The Emperor’s New Mind (Oxford: Oxford University).
  5. Damasio Antonio (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain (N. Y.: Grosset Putnam).
  6. Summarized by Blakcslcc, Sandra (2005). Hypnosis can profoundly change the brain. New York Times. Nov. 22. Ibid, Blakeslee.
  7. Twain Mark (1889). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (N. Y.: Webster).
  8. Science (2003). Brain maps perceptions, not reality. Nov. 4.

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  1. Ibid, Oschman. P. 332.
  2. Ibid, Oschman. P. 8.
  3. www.geocities.com/bioelectrochemistry/reymond.htm.
  4. Ibid, reymond.htm.
  5. Gordon Glen (2008). Protein iteration and cellular response to extrinsic electromagnetic forces. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai, May 16-18.
  6. Davydov A. S. (1987). Excitonsand solitons in molecular systems. International Review of Cytology. Vol. 106. P. 183-225.
  7. Oschman J. (2005). The intelligent body. Bridges. Spring 16:1. P. 14.
  8. Ibid, Davydov.
  9. Becker Robert O. 8c Seldcn Gary (1985). The Body Electric: Electromagnetism in the Foundation of Life (N. Y.: Morrow).
  10. Ibid, Becker.
  11. Maret K. (2005). Seven key challenges facing science. Bridges. Spring 16:1. P. 7.
  12. Ibid, Becker.
  13. Alternative Medicine (2002). High technolog)' meets ancient medicine. Mar. P. 93.
  14. Ibid, Alternative Medicine.
  15. Spence, Graham (2002). Quoted in Donna Eden, Energy Medicine (N. Y., Bantam). P. 299.
  16. There are many scientific references on Dr. Bonlie’s web site, www. magneticosleep.com.
  17. Ho, Mae-Wan, quoted in Oschman. P. 310.
  18. Shealy, 1993.
  19. Reich, Wilhelm (1982). The Bioelectric Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety (N. Y.: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux).
  20. Ibid.
  21. Burr H. S. (1957). Harold Saxton Burr. Yale Journal of Biolog)- Sc Medicine. Vol. 30. P. 161-167.
  22. Ibid, Oschman. P. 270.
  23. Ibid, Oschman. P. 62.
  24. Ibid, Oschman. P. 76.
  25. Junnilia S. Y. (1982). Acupuncture superior to piroxican in the treatment of osteoarthrosis. American Journal Acupuncture. Vol. 10. No. 4. Oct.-Dec. P. 341-346.
  26. Helms J. Ì. (1987). Acupuncture for the management of primary dysmenorrhea. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Vol. 69. No. 1. Jan. P. 51-56.
  27. Shealy C. N., Helms J., McDaniels A. (1990). Treament of male infertility with acupuncture. The Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery. Dec. Vol. 11. Issue 4. P. 285-286.
  28. Hanson P. E., Hansen J. H. (1985). Acupuncture treatment of chronic tension headache — a controlled cross-over trial. Cephalgia. Vol. 5. No. 3. Sep. P. 137-142.
  29. Ballegaard S. et al. Acupuncture in severestable angina pectoris—a randomized trial. Medical Dept. P. Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Acta. Med Scand. Vol. 220. No. 4. P. 307-313.
  30. Ibid, Oschman. P. 266.
  31. Wells Steven et al. (2003). Evaluation of a meridian-based intervention, emotional freedom techniques (EFT), for reducing specific phobias of small animals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59 (9), 943-966.
  32. Ibid, Oschman. P. 334.
  33. Feinstein David (2008 (1)). Energy Psychology: a preliminary review of the evidence. Psychotherapy, June.
  34. Feinstein David (2008 (2)). Energy psychology in disaster relief. Trau- mat ology 141:1, March.

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