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  1. Underhill Evelyn (1993). The Spiritual Life (N. Y.: Penguin).
  2. Fillmore Charles (1941). The Twelve Powers of Man (Missouri: Unity, sixth edition).
  3. Ornish, Dean, ibid.
  4. Szent-Gyorgi, Albert, quoted in Oschman. P. 33.
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  9. Graham H. (2001). Soul Medicine (Dublin: Newleaf). P. 245.
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  14. Kirsch I. and Sapirstein G. (1998). Listening to Prozac but hearing placebo: A meta-analysis of antidepressant medication. Prevention 8c Treatment.Jun Vol 1(1)2 [Article А].
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  18. The Economist (2008). Hope from a pill. March 1. P 84.

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