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  1. Quoted in Dossev, Larry (2001). Healing Beyond the Bodv (Boston: Shambhala). P. 29.
  2. Rcmen R. N. (2005). Recapturing the soul of medicine, in Consciousness & Healing (St. Louis: Elsevier). P. 446.

Dossey Larry (2001). Healing Beyond the Body (Boston: Shambhala). P. 26.

Страница отсутствует

Страница отсутствует

  1. Starfield B. (2000). Is U.S. health really the best in the world? Journal of the American Medical Association. Jul 26:284(4):483-5.
  2. www.gaiynull.com/documents/iatrogenic/deathbymedicine.htm.
  3. Dossey Larry (1996). Prayer Is Good Medicine (San Francisco: Harp- erSan Francisco).
  4. Ibid, Nolen.
  5. Motluk Alison (2005). ‘Safe’ painkiller is leading cause of liver failure. New Scientist 8. Dec. 2529. P. 19.
  6. Vedantam Shankar (2005). Study: new psychosis drugs no better than old ones. Washington Post. Sep. 20.
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  8. Stein R. and Kaufman M. (2006). Washington Post. Jan. 1.
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  10. Kelleher Susan and Wilson Duff (2005). The hidden big business behind your doctor’s diagnosis. Seattle Times.Jun. 26.
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  19. Gallo E and Vincenzi H. (2000). Energy Tapping (Oakland: New Harbinger).
  20. Craig, Gan.www.emofree.com.
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  23. Ibid, Ornish.

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