V.Y. Karpinskaya Decision making process of realizing the stimulus as one of the stages in the process of reflection of stimulusТhе investigation aims to find out the role of consciousness in the process of reflection of stimulus. The hypothesis is that the decision making process of realizing the stimulus is one of the stages in the process of reflection of stimulus. There was the experiment to know the influence of illusion on the process of reflection of stimulus. The thresholds of reflection of illusory changed stimulus were measured. The thresholds of reflection of stimulus depends not only on physical size of stimulus but also on illusory size. It means that the realizing that the stimulus is reflected can appear only after making special decision of realizing the stimulus. A.Y. Agafonof Forgetting as an unconscious decision of consciousness concerning non-recallingThe article is devoted to the forgetting phenomenon, which is explained in this study as a result of the unconsciously made decision about non-recalling. The given investigation is based on the consciousness theory worked out by Victor M. Allakhverdov. This theory includes the statement that there is a special mechanism in the psychical organization which is responsible for making decisions about either realization or non-realization of information. The hypothesis concerning the dependence of non-recalling on the previously realized experience was tested. It was showed that subsequent non-recalling is due not only to the aftereffect of the previously unrealized information, but also to the previously realized experience. The process of realizing the information, which influences the decision making mechanism’s work is of primary importance in analyzing this dependence. V.L. Volokhonsky The question of anchoring to semantic differential left sideCorrelation between left-side bias in semantic differential and anchoring effect was measured. 35 participants filled out self-appraisal semantic differential twice, with one week interval. Arrangement of adjectives in semantic differential scales was inverted between trials. Anchoring liability test has been filled out once also. Positive correlation between number of left-side shifts and anchoring liability was preassumed, but results were strongly contradictory. V.L. Volokhonsky, E.A. Vishnyakova Anchoring effects and assurance levels under retestingPeople’s estimates of uncertain quantities are commonly influenced by irrelevant values (anchoring effect). We suppose the presence of the cognitive dissonance reduction related with anchoring. 28 participants filled out a form with anchoring-loaded task twice with a three week interval. After the second test procedure the frequency of bias towards the anchoring point exceeded the frequency of the opposite bias. This new secondly formed bias was accompanied by increase of the assurance level. Nonlinear correlation between assurance and anchoring levels was also found. These results suggest the presence of the cognitive dissonance after an anchoring effect influence. — 203 —