M.B. Kuvaldina Uncertainty reaction in different types of cognitive tasksIn Allakhverdov’s theory (Allakhverdov, 2000, 2003) uncertainty reaction seems to be one of the main mechanisms of consciousness to defend its own hypothesis. In this connection, he formulated a generalized law: the more unexpected stimulus or response we have the more time consciousness devote to work with it. We set up the following hypothesis in our work: Individual differences in reaction time on new or unexpected stimuli seem to be a stable characteristic (variable). This individual characteristic is to be found in different types of cognitive tasks. To verify this hypothesis the uncertainty reaction on dissimilar type of stimuli (color spots, geometric figures, and digits) & on different type of uncertainty (time, alternative) was observed. The hypothesis under discussion was verified in 4 experiments in the task of choice reaction. The fifth experiment dealt with the task of categorization. Series varied in probability of stimulus appearance. The findings of each participant approximate to logarithmic curve quite well, & the factor of the slope was defined to be an individual sensitivity index of uncertainty changes. Results of experiments tend to verify the hypothesis partly: two groups that have a valid difference in degree of sensitivity index of uncertainty changes were marked on the basis of the first 4 experiments. Such results stay independently the type of stimulus & the type of uncertainty. E.N. Ivanova Recurring errors within the group decision makingThe article is concerned with the research devoted to revealing cognitive mechanisms of group decision-making using model of conflict situation. The hypotheses of similarities of cognitive patterns identifying in group and individual processes was confirmed by its results. It was approved that disputants trend to support and repeat their initial hypotheses regardless of its truthfulness or falseness counteracting group leaders’ influence. This appeared that modification of decision-making circumstances, such as appearing new disputants, changing their role in the process lead to more obvious opinion’s dynamics and contribute to precipitation of correct problem solving.