Gladsden Refractive Center «Все расхохотались, когда я сел за пианино. Но стоило мне заиграть…» Джон Кэйплз «Я помогу вам сделать правильный ход» Дебора Сандерс Goldwell Banker Bigham, REALTORS® Стиль № 9: «причины купить» «13 причин поручить U.S.A. Direct Inc. создание вашего нового директ-мейл-пакета» U.S.A. Direct Inc. «7 причин разместить европейский call-центр вашей компании в Бельгии» Belgacom North America «6 вопросов, которые нужно задать копирайтеру, прежде чем нанять его» Клифтон Паркер Приложение В. Рекомендуемая литература Adams, C. F. (1965). Common Sense in Advertising. New York: McGraw-Hill. An tin, B. H., and Antin, A. J. (1992). Secrets from the Lost Art of Common Sense Marketing. Clearwater, FL: the Antin Marketing Group. Barns III, R. (1993). Big Bucks from Little Sketches. Gettysburg, PA: McKinley & Henson. Barns m, R. (1992). Discover You Talent and Find Fulfillment. Gettysburg, PA: McKinley & Henson. Barns III, R. (2004). Secrets of a Writing Hustler. Kandiyohi, MN: Filbert Publishing. Barns III, R. (2004). The Guide to Effective Gospel Tract Ministry. Elkton, MD: Church Growth Institute. Bayan, R. (1984.) The Words that Sell. Lincolnwood, IL: Contemporary Books. Bly, R. W. (1988). Ads that Sell. Brentwood, New York: Asher-Gallant Press. Bly, R. W. (1985). The Copywriter's Handbook. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Blake, G., and Bly, R. W. (1997). The Elements of Copywriting. New York, Macmillan. Bodian, N. G. (1995). Direct Marketing Rules of Thumb. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Bodian, N. G. (1989). How to Choose a Winning Title. Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press. Bensos, R. V. (1989). Secrets of Successful Direct Mail. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books. Bovee, C. L., and Arens, W. F. (1982). Contemporary Advertising. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin Inc. Bowerman, P. (2000). The Weil-Fed Writer. Atlanta, GA: Fanove Publishing. Caples, J. (1983). How to Make Your Advertising Make Money. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Caples, J. (1974). Tested Advertising Methods. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Ferdi, L. (1997). Successful Direct Mail. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series Inc. Gauss, C. A., and Wightman, L. I. (1935). Practical Business Administration, Vol. III, Advertising. Chicago: American Technical Society. Glim, A. (1949). Copy — The Core of Advertising. New York: McGraw-Hill. Gosden Jr., F. F. (1985). Direct Marketing Success. New York: John Wiley & Sons. — 105 —