Ëåä è Îãîíü. Èñòîðèÿ ãëîáàëüíûõ êàòàñòðîô

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  1. J.D. Hays, «Faunal extinctions and reversals of the Earth's magnetic field*, Geological Society of America Bulletin 82 (1971): 2433— 2447.
  2. AN. Poulianos, The Cave of the Petralonian Archanthropinae (Athens: Anthropolical Association of Greece, 1982), 3—37.
  3. C.J. Waddington, «paleomagnetic field reversals and cosmic radiation*, Science 158 (1967) 913—915.
  4. C.GA Harrison, «EvoIutionary processes and reversals of the Earth's magnetic field*, Nature 217 (1968) 46—47.
  5. E. Mayr, Systematics and the Origin of the Species (Magnolia, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1942); Animal Species and Evolution (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963).
  6. V. Grant, The Origin of Adaptations (New York Columbia University Press, 1963).
  1. H. Lewis, «Catastrophical selection as a factor in speciation*, Evolution 16 (1962): 257—271.
  2. H. Lewis, «Speciation in flowering plants*, Science 152 (1966) 167—17Z
  3. PA. Laviolette, «Galaotic core explosions and the evolution of life*, Anthropos 12 (1987—1990) 239—255.
  4. MR. Rampino, R.B. Stothers, «Terrestrial mass extinctions, cometary impacts and the Sun's motion perpendicular to the galactic plane*, Nature 308 (1984) 709—712.
  5. PC, Pal, KM Creer, ^Geomagnetic reversab spurts and episodes of extraterrestrial catastrophism*, Nature 320 (1986) 148—150.
  6. M.R. Rampino, R.B. Stothers, Nature, 709—712.
  7. «The Search for Adam and Eve*, Newsweek, 11 ÿíâàðÿ 1988 ã, ñ 46-52.
  8. FM Muller, ed, The Sacred Booh of the East, Pahlavi Texts, ÷àñòü 5, ïåð. Ý.Ó. Óýñò (Oxford University Press, 1897), 116.
  9. FM Muller, ed, The Sacred Books of the East, Pahlavi Texts, ÷àñòü 2, ïåð. Ý.ó. Óýñò (Oxford University Press, 1901), 109.
  10. Ibid
  11. G. Schlegel, Uranographie Chinoise (Librairie de M. Nijhoff, 1875)740.
  1. H. Murray et al., An Historical and Descriptive Account of China, vol.1,2pi! ?d. (1836), 40; öèò. ïî Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1950), 48.
  2. D. Bodde, «Harmony and Conflict in Chinese Philosophy», â Studies in Chinese Thought, ïîä ðåä. À.Ô. Ðàéòà (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953), 26.
  3. Voluspa: Tl?e Song of the SyM, ïåð. Ï.Á. Òåéëîð è ÓÒ.Îäåí (Iowa City: Windhover Press, 1968), ñòðîôà 6.
  4. M. L'Abb? Brasseur de Bourbourgh, Histoire des Nations Civilis?es du Mexique et de l'Am?rique Centrale durant les siucles ant?rieurs a Christophe Colomb, vol. 1 (Paris: Libraire de la Soci?t? de G?ographie, 1857), 206.

25. R.B. Dixon, The Mythology of All Races, vol.9, Oceanic (Mythology], ïîä ðåä. Ë.Ã. Ãðåé (Boston, Marshall Joncs, 1916). 178.

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