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  1. Rossi Ernest. The Psychobiology of Gene Expression. N. Y.: Norton, 2002. P. xvii. ? Rossi. Там же. P. 9.
  1. Kandel'Eric. A new intellectual framework for psychiatry? // American Jour

nal of Psychiatry. 1998. 155. P 457.

  1. Kemperman G., Gage F. New nerve cells for the adult brain. Scientific Ameri

can. 1999. 280. P. 48.

  1. Greenfield Susan, The Private Life of the Brain. N. Y.: John Wiley, 2000. P. 9. e Eldridge Niles. Why We Do It. N. Y.: Norton, 2004. P. 15.

7 HSC Weekly. University of Southern California Health Science Campus, 1998, July 10. P. 3.

  • Team finds gene mutations behind glaucoma // Los Angeles Times. 2007, August 11.
  1. Nelkin Dorothy. The DNA Mystique. N. Y.: Freeman, 1995. P 193.
  2. fust ice Blair. Who Gets Sick? Houston: Peak, 2000. P. 63.
  1. Idler E. & Kasl S., Health perceptions and survival: do global evaluations of

health really predict mortality? / /Journal of Gerontology. 1991. 46 (2). P. 55. 12 Dossey Larry. The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things. N. Y.: Harmony. 2006. P. 21. ls Wright William. Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, Personality. N. Y.: Knopf. 1998. P. 13.

14 Dugatkin Lee. The Imitation Factor: Evolution Beyond the Gene. N. Y.: Free Press. 2000. P. 8.

,p Rainer Carl Genes and psychology7 in the news // New Ideas in Psychology.

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  1. Wilson E. O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edi

tion. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000. P. 575.

  1. Eldridge. Там же. P. 22.
  2. Crick Francis. Central dogma of molecular biology // Nature. 1970, August

8. 227. P. 561.

  1. Ho Mae-Wan. Death of the central dogma // Institute of Science in Society

press release. 2004, March 9.

  1. Fisher Charles. Dismantling Discontent: Buddha’s Path Through Darwin’s

Wrorld. Santa Rosa, Elite Books, 2007. P. 177.

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