Time, patience, and finding out what their needs are; listening to them vent their frustration; pointing out reality (ie, the controllers, and all parts are related to each other; are part of the same person; and ALL were abused even though they were able to dissociate from their pain), and trying to help them meet their needs for recognition, acceptance, and approval will begin to allow them to question their previous loyalty. These systems are often driven by fear: fear of punishment; fear of remembering (they were often the most tortured systems in the survivor, and were promised amnesia in return for continued cooperation). Their fears are real, and should be listened to and respected, as shatter programming and flood programming are real threats to the survivor, and can cause functionality to go down. Flood programming is a sequence put in place to punish a system if its internal programming is allowed to degrade or access to an unauthorized person, either internally or externally, is allowed. It will involve the fragments who hold highly traumatic memories, both emotional and physical, being pushed to the front where the person is “flooded” with wave after wave of memories. If this is triggered, and it frequently is if the survivor is in therapy, the first priority should be slowing the memories down. This may mean trying to reason with internal controllers or deltas who are allowing the flooding; they need to know that if the front, or previously amnesic alters down, or are re-shattered due to traumatization, it will weaken all the systems. Bargain with them. Prayer will help in this situation. Physical safety, including inpatient therapy, may be needed if flooding or shatter programming are activated. Suicide programming is often layered in with both types, and external physical safety will be paramount for the survivor, with lots of outside accountability as they undo these intense programming sequences. Frequent reality orientation; explaining new, better jobs can help. Undoing brain wave programming should ideally only be done with lots of safe external support, which may include extra therapy sessions; hospitalization if programming that could cause loss of functionality or suicide are triggered; and should be geared towards increasing internal communication and cooperation. Alters jobs can be changed, from internal programmers to internal Deprogrammers; internal shatterers or punishers to internal protectors; internal reporters who report back to the cult can instead be asked to report internally on what the body is doing, and to keep it safe. — 134 —