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They will teach the alters under hypnosis what deltas do, how they act. They will reward them when they comply, and shock or otherwise traumatize them if they do not act like “deltas”. They will be given delta jobs. They will watch high frequency films, that show delta functions. They may build in a computer like structure to hold the system, showing pictures of its organization while the subject is under deep trance, after creating a clean slate through trauma.

These are some examples of how delta programming may be induced.

Other brain wave states will be induced in similar manners. They will often be formed from templates which are extremely young internal child alters who may be splits from core splits, as the basis for the programming. Common brain wave states used are:


this is the most easily reached brain wave state, and also includes both the youngest and most easily accessed alters in the entire system. Young children have long periods of alpha activity and must be trained to enter other brain wave states for long periods. System access programming; access codes and sexual alters will often be placed in alpha, which may also be coded red in some systems.


this is the next most easily reached state, and is often associated with aggressive impulses. Beta state will often hold cult protectors, internal warriors, and military systems. They may be color coded blue.


this will often hold extremely cult loyal alters, and holds more emotion than the other states, except for alpha. Suicide programming will often be layered into this system, as these alters would rather die than leave their “family”. Scholarship programming may be held by this system, since they easily memorize by rote. Several languages may be spoken by different alters in this system, as the Illuminati like to program in plural linguality, with up to eight languages, both modern and ancient being spoken.


this is one of the more cognitive brain wave states, and will often be highly dissociated. It may also be the “ruling” or controlling state over the other brain wave systems. Often, delta state may be configured inside as a computer, and the delta alters will have emotionless, flat alters with photographic memories. They may hold most of the cognitive memories for the other systems, especially if extensive amnesia programming has been done. Delta state may have up to three levels of training: delta 1, delta 2, and delta 3 which will also correlate to security access allowed within the cult; i.e. access to highly confidential information. Behavioral sciences programming may be held by this system. Internal programmers, self destruct, psychotic, and shatter programming as well as other punishment programming sequences to prevent outside access or internal access to the systems may be held within delta systems. It may be color coded both orange/blue/purple, and will also often be the entry way to higher systems such as jewels or internal councils, inside.

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